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  • 작성자 사진Flament Olivier

knowing don't know is knowing.

"I know that I know nothing"

Socrates is known for proclaiming his total ignorance;

he used to say that the only thing he was aware of was his ignorance,

seeking to imply that the realization of our ignorance is the first step in philosophizing.

people want think themselves know something.

that is very efficiently works for keep brainwash and never noticing it.

but when you admit you know nothing.

then can see every truth.

do you think you know earth is flat or not, god is exist or not, what was human, and what is actually going on nowadays???

you "know"?


or you heard about thing from others and choose what you will believe.

that is your knowledge.

let's think about vaccine.

vaccine is safe or not. what it was.

did you know?

it is not you know. but you heard that from others and experts and WHO, government, news media.

i don't think we can call that you "know" when you just "heard".

you learned, and studied. from school, and teachers, and experts.

and think about vaccine.

what if, they lying?.

they can't lying? or they are also not brainwashed?

so if fit only fundamental part then rest part automatically fit.

just throw away negativity, that fraud mind, and arrogance, all of negativity.

socrates way of thought is the first step of knowledge and wisdom.

he tought that to humanity.

and even nowadays. that simple wisdom just truth.

feel like blind eyes open and see the world for the first time.

oh.. i was know nothing..!!! why i didn't knew that?!!!!

and just can see everything can know everything.

but what is ignorance.?

oh!! i know something!! i always right!! im cool!! yeah! experts said it!! and news said it!! it is science!!!

that mind.

exactly that part make you vaccinated and brainwashed.

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