so feel like trump is compromised.
now leftist win.!!
south korea president arrested detained!! now you fucked up!!
omg another villain roth child british royal is you!! omg! whatever villain is you!!!
now you fucked up!!
that is nice for you.
but what i trying to say is.
they kill you.
can understand?
japan kill you all.
so. how fun is labeling and shitting around jerk around.
yes good for you. how is fun is that for you?
but. what about problem of "japanese killing you" issue?
i want be realistic.
oh yes. fun~ labeling~ hahahaha~ now you fucked up!! now you fucked up~~ people compromised~!!! no one is your side~~~
oh my god~~~ otani wins~~~
but what about problem of japanese killing you??
should solve that issue. regardless your emotion and feelings that not that important.
can understand?
how nice? rihgt? mocking~ pick a side. and shitting around with criminals.
feel like you are powerful now.
but. let's be realistic.
they kill you.
speak truth.