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  • 작성자 사진Flament Olivier

leftist demons makes joe biden monster.

it is very absurd thing. that "these people" commit sin of murder rape genocide and human trafficking and children sex trafficking piece by pieces with only for joke irresponsible attitude.

sin was heavy but crimianls are just have no reason about their murder.

i want to say this.

what makes joe biden?

it was leftist.

when leftist keep agree with you agree with you stand with you.

whatever it is.

even money is keep leaking into foreign and global children sex trafficking, even if it is fox rabbit chicken pizza hot dog.

they just agree with you agree with you.

and that is what makes joe biden into joe biden.

most worst monster in humanity history.

if you treat others like that joe biden, then that person will be joe biden.

so it is also important to right wing conservative people.

because we can learn from those leftist.

leftist is most lowest garbage people in this earth.

but there is worth to we can learn from them.

let's never make same mistake what they did.

should aware it.

because for our own safety.

becuase we saw how leftist die.

don't want die with those creepy way of death.

they support their own murderer and they died.


it is cockroach level of miserable human being.


so let's don't be leftist.

power is always corrupt.


but what makes that goes to worst way?

when we treat our leaders like joe biden.

then that is what makes "joe biden" is.

leftist. their attitude and behavior.

we should be careful this.

because leftist is worst tragedy in humanity history.

very sad. and depressing.

i never seen before that depressing people ever.

the leftist.

who irresponsible but naive and cowardly fear about creepy psychopath crime but who commit most worst sin that human can made.

human trafficking, and children get shoted and court is attacked and bank is attacked and civlian get killed and children missing kidnapping and baby also shoted and baby died and baby raped and baby eaten by japanese.

and leftist did support it like fun entertaining.

that incredible level of low inteligence that can't even imagine.

feel like uncivlized barbaric tribes.

but they doing vote. those barbaric people have vote rights and destroying america.

and killed people. and killed children.

with that irresponsible attitude and behavior.

their violenceful personallity and retardedness bring sadness and derpssing and chaos in this world.

and that makes joe biden. and that makes genocide on humanity.

that genocide, most tragedy can ever happen in human history.

that sadness that leftist themselves can't even handle that.

but they commit that sin of genocide with only joke for fun.

very lightly.

but people and children life was precious.

and feel like there is nothing. about those leftist guilt and sin is just naive and moron ignorant did that murder.

and no one know.

why those people should had been to die and missing and kidnapping and raped and piece by pieces.

all that suffering and death is very heavy sin and depressing.

but naive leftist did that sin with joke fun.


no one know.

why those lost lives should had to die like that garbages.

children was get shoted like garbages and leftist did laugh and mocking and joke their death.

and those children died while in leftist laughing with suffering and death.

and leftist?

they don't gives a shit.

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