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  • 작성자 사진Flament Olivier

leftist japan clown are SAD and underpriviliged.

epstain - leftist - japan crime. exactly.

pedophile connection.

los angeles, japan, democrats

why they keep claim porn rape.

because their job is porn and rape.

and it just obviously goes to pedophile criminals.

they can do "anything" for their fame and success.

they keep trying to "effort" talking about "boy" and "girl"

"including children" like.

you know.

what they usually using word??

who using that words?

they constantly trying to just people get attention to pedophile crime relate word and joke.

and some of leftist actually enjoying it.

they laugh. they laugh with pedophile joke.

who fucking laugh about those creepy fucking shit.

they revealing their true color.

and they purposely posting boy and girls picture.

they incude that purposely.

becaue they want see that.

hey, post about your childhood pic!!

who ask that?? to you??

leftist and japan.


becaue they want.

they are the epstain pedophiles.

leftist and japan.

who want your dorke fuck face of your shitty childhood.??

nobody care. that is reality.

but they keep forcing and ask to you.


because they want!!! what is they want.

and people actually know who is pedophiles.

and they freaking out shrink with fear.

and some of are revealing their true color and pretending.

they agree with them. purposely.

their gut feelings know exactly.

who should they pick a side.

and they did.

and not just agree with them. they getting more starting aiding and supporting pedophiles.

there is payment and fame.

they work for pedophiles. and they know it. and they trying to not dying.

but they killed all women and children for their fun game.

but they feel like they are underpriviliged.

feel like they are sad.


and people dying sick with vaccination and ohio people can't even find their proper treatment.

and they told. they are hot.


those are just insane demons.

do not confuse. and pedophiles look and support their back.

those leftist japan clowns are doing important job for pedophiles.

make people distract and make stop them reach to truth.

and threatning with word twisting.

you will die piece by pieces!!!!

that is what they doing. trying to kill you. and they get earn money and sell some porn and pokemon. while you and every others fucking dying with vaccination.

so all media just trying to defend them.

what they telling HOT means.

you should care about cheap porn while you fucking dying.

hey! just fucking care about cheap porn you like it?? eh? you never shit care about world crisis you are moron right? what failed dumb cattle should care?? just go watching cheap porn and die!!

that is what leftist japan doing to you.

you are something just who should care about cheap porn hot pokemon whil you dying.

they treat you like that.

not you care about fraud election, vaccination, 5G

but you are not worth. so you must should care only porn becaue you only deserve that.


and you acting like that.

feel like resist is never belong to you.

i don't know fucking about ecnomics or shit.

i don't have knowledge. that is not matter.

we all know how world works.

evil control every thing and pedophile money run everything.

and many of you just compromise and work for them.

and now what.

they started vaccination.

seek truth and keep awake.

media run by pedophile moneys.

and those pedophile murderers trying to depend to media lying.

some kind of pedophie they always agree with each others.

they basically think people dying sick death is a joke.

that all your life death is joke to them.

how much people murdered sick children get raped and murder piece by piece.

all thing just joke and they keep want only their opportunity of their fame and money.

all that is just their some fraud opportunity about get earn income.

kill rape children and they get earn money with it.

and media keep lying and people false agree purposely.

trying to make them keep rape children.

who los angeles failed jerks only want "good news" about children get raped and murdered.

that is only their comfort for their pathetic sorry life.

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