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  • 작성자 사진Flament Olivier

leftist japan method how kill and poisoning people

whatever i saying and share hearts and speak truth and discuss our life.

what was leftist japan react?

they denying anyways.

regardless whatever. they denying first anyways. for denying.

right? because it right.

just right. they did. exactly. and that is all.


they teaches people to, how to just complaining, blame, lableing.

what is their typical attitude?

"omg im offended!!!" <- always repeat it very quickly.

they are paid actor for this.

trying to make people garbage.

what is exactly drives you to death and all others?

that leftist japan fraud filthy lying and their own negativity.

that's not the way how we facing these serious time.

they have no way out.

because they are the murderer.

only way is they endlessly lying to people and denying desperately everything.

and covering their murder with more another murder.

for protect their fraud to keep.

so cut off them is most important.

but why people not trying to cut off them purposely?

"purposely" i mean.

there is also you negativity is in your mind.

you want fraud. you want violence. you want kill others for fun.

throw away that mind. if you are not one of them.

and beware them. don't listen. cut off them and stay away.

how to protect ourselvese from brainwash and all fraud manipulation.?

cut off it physically.

right? not seeing brainwash commercial, manipulated news and articles.

and all bullshit, lying.

then you can have correct perspective.

we are all facing tough times now.

so maybe it could be hard to accept truth.

it fear and desperation.

when first time i was awakened.

i was feel really sad and desperated too.

and many of awaken people just talk about,

"world is going end..!! don't know what to do..."

feel like falling to endless void.

when world itself was have no trust at all.

and everything is just fraud, murder, for money and power.

don't know what you should believe.

it confuse.

but time to thinking about what was wrong?

and what we should fix.

so discuss truth with each other is important.

speak truth and trying to find way. through help each other.

not just complaining, blaming, labeling. screaming yelling like chimps that freak out with fear. like leftist and japan.

that is how human civilization works? right?

we went through like that when we are in crisis.

our ancestors did that. so we are here now.

and those leftist japan trying to consume you. cut off them.

accepting truth not easy.

but it is not fine at all.

world situation.

cruel reality is not important

fear, depression, sorrow, anger, that kind of negativity.

how you deal with that. way of how you facing it and surpass it is important.

not just complaining and blaming and labeling. like garbage leftist japan.

how you not just consumed by it. that is beautiful human being. that part is important.
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