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  • 작성자 사진Flament Olivier

leftist who can rise and start over. just sorting your mind and lay down false beliefs.


do not possessed by demons.

just refuse it.

just cut off jerks and criminals.

political stance is just opinion.

it's okay.

just let think with different angle and perception.

and media. just stop killing people.

and why leftist also suffer.

because you media brainwash them and you make them gone insane.

media must stop.

psycho pedophile murderer instruct bullshit.

and media do that just thoughtless.

that occuring actual murder and people traumatized.

and leftist just do not even care media saying. just cut off them from your side.

media just consume your mind and kill people but they acting like robot. they not trying to losing their job for money.

go for seek truth for yourself.

and think everything with your own self.

at least just stop aiding criminals.

just step back if you too much can't handle truth.

that pointless.

even how much you trying to effort for covering your crime.

that just drag you into hell more deeper.

and your weak mind and brain will just collapse.

and except actual criminal member.

there will be many leftist can just lay down your struggle for pointless leftist way of false faith and belief.

-stop aiding criminals. cut off them.

-return to yourself. not a politics.

-and overwatch world.

-take time and study and learn things.

-focus to your own self.

-and when you ready for speak truth for world.

-then after that, involve to politics and world crisis.

and be kind and be nice.

do not being jerks and ugly.

leftist basically have shitty attitude.

giving up that violenceful aggressive hate crime attitude.

that killed many people and women and children.

you can stop.

regardless you lefitst or media employees or whatever employees.

anyways you should survive from illuminati psycho vaccine and all murder.


but there is no other option.

we all just dying now. humanity history itself going weird psychopathic way now.

think about. over 70% of humanity vaccinated.

and they trying to much more vaccination.

mpox. or maybe they could attempt other bio weapon.

trying to make you robot.

how crazy.

so if you become robot with out resist.

then that worse than just death.

just resist.

scientifically correct.

just conclusion is so much clear~

what you want?

just become robot and giving up everything??

and just psycho demons control you?

what is difference??

so they thratning you. like. i will kill you but if you resist then i will kill you.

that is point of pointless.

but if you fear about resist.

no pressure.

just at lest do not aiding them.

and just with silence just refuse.

don't get vaccinated or don't do anything what they trying to injecting or implant.


make sure that part.

can you do that?.

not gibberish or do not trying to you represent psycho criminals.

just live your life. and do not trying to involve for false agenda.

just focus to what you like.

fine? cool?

can you do that? at least.

just at lest.

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