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  • 작성자 사진Flament Olivier

let's depopulation psychopath first. why not.

let's be smart.

over population is problem what they saying.

so should people die. but who?

who will die?

that marvel avengers thanos finger snap.

that is vaccination. and leftist agenda.

will you agree with global depopulation?

that's why you die? will you depopulation yourself?

vaccinating yourself and blood clot and rotten and pox and bankrupt ,

but what they telling is, before you die, but you should spend all your money for big pharma.

what the fuck.

what is your point???

omg!! there is so many population !! and it is problem!!!!

and you go to vaccinating yourself??

omg!! i will die!!! because im leftist!!!

can understand?? what you doing is suicide.

cut off fucking illuminati.

and they talk about over population is they occuring food shortage and climate change purposely and omg now we can't sustainable!! we mus depopulation!!! oh my god!!!

they are psychopath.

leftist : omg there is so many population. i must have to some die!

that is maybe correct and appreciate.

do you know? what is compassion is?

if i trying to kill you. then maybe i do leftist.

but , let's kill some criminals. depopulation from democrats and pedophiles and guantanamo celebrities and tessa violet. and japan.

people resist and awake! and kill them. attack them. people who trying to depopulation you.

they should die. not you.


why you should have to die?


if die, then depopulation illuminati and psychopath criminals.


how about depopulation "you illuminati leftist-japan mother fuckers"???

leftist is psychopath who agree with illuiminati.

they depopulation them selves and trying to kill all others.

leftist-japan. democrats.

they are the who doing genocide.

they are never fucking nothing people.

they are the exactly psycho criminals.

do not confuse.

do not thing leftist is something normal sane people.

they only do labeling and bullshit murder.

they killed all children for fun joke.

attack them and cut off them.

and all of them is guantanamo listed pedophiles.

leftist celebrities, democrats politicians, japan nation.

all of them is illuminati.

do not fool by them.

do not even think they are the something normal people.


cut off and when exactly we cut off and attack them and defeat them.

that is what is correct.

don't get vaccinated, refuse leftist illuminati agenda.

LGBTQ+ BLM climate change. whatever they claim.

cut off and denying and refuse it.


it is leftist and japan!!

illuminati agenda!!

they killed you and kill everyone. they killed all that children.

self-manipuation incident and they joke.

they are psychopath.

don't even fucking talk to them or care them.

attack them.

don't even pretending to them.

cut off completely and speak truth.

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