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  • 작성자 사진Flament Olivier

let's do murder japan tessa violet satanist.

now we should speak truth correctly.

what is happening now? in this world?

vaccine bio weapons. world war 3 plan. zelensky fraud scam.

joe biden treason.

democrats want attempt mpox out break.

big pharma fraud scam vaccine.

japan tessa violet evil plan take over your nation and dominate and stabbing people and murder rape chlidren and eat baby.

they sabotage and doing war act on your nation.

to every nation. civlian killed by japanese.

they did war act. and psy op.

and assassination.


speak truth and protect your nation and people and children.

from those japan tessa violet satanist threat.

make keep your mind safe from them.

make keep your life safe from them.

they are satanist illuminati.

they spreading hate and jealousy and evil psy op.

and brainwash people and make dumbed down and retarded.

that only pursuing stimulation addiction.

and violence.

many of people agree and praise their crime.

we should speak truth opposite against to them.

many people did make contents about praise japanese psychopath crime. and pedophile trend.

that is everywhere in video game and movie and music and many companies create contentst about "pick a side" and worship japanese crime.

trying to appealing them selves into demons and trying to get some chance of rape children.

then "game of the year". prize and award and success.

and people know it.

so they smell buisness. for murder rape children.

then they did attempt trying to get some chance.

then they worship and praise japanese psychopath pedophile crime.

trying to built their success and ugly dirty money that basis on children murder rape buisness.

so they did "let's make it happen" movement of crime.

that was trend.

pedophile crime was become movement like that.

"let's make it happen" movement of trend. that japan tessa violet satanic cult psy op.

and people died every single day.

children arrested and shoted and cooked.

and people did clapping to it.

and praise it.

like insane psychopath.

trying to get some money.

but don't want to blame about this.

so they keep support japan tessa violet.

and much more people died.

and now mpox out break they talk about.

and more vaccine death.

and more creepy sabotage incident keep happen.

more children rape by japanese. and baby eaten by japan tessa violet.

and ugly leftist just they trying to kill every humanity.

should speak truth.

these insanity is not for humanity.

speak opposite against to japan tessa violet value of violence crime.

they are just stimluation addicted psychopath pedophiles criminals.

= japan tessa violet.

now we can speak this simple truth. with out fear.

should speak truth even you facing to fear.

that because something really important for our selves.

for our life and soul.

if you agree to japan tessa violet.

then your soul is just ... meaningless and sinner and just hell.

why you even born and living life?


that all shit gone to nothing.

if you agree to japan tessa violet.

that is worthless.

that make you worthless person.

your life is just garbage then.

when you die.

when your end.

your end will be joke sex tie knot buckle fox rabbit chicken pizza hot dog.

what if your existence is only for that?

disagree to japan tessa violet.

it is for our soul.

i never allow my soul be like that and end like that.

that is most worst thing.

disgusting thing.

japan tessa violet is disgusting psychopath pedophiles baby eating dirty ugly creepy shit.

should kill it.

when there is japan tessa violet.

they talking and chatty.

then not trying to make yourself confusing.

just speak truth and opposite against to them.

that is epstein.

that trying to have opinions and talking and chatty.

then what?

then what is point.

should kill it.

japan tessa violet is right there. they are the boss of epstein and rest of illuminati.

they lead all that plan and incident and sabotage.

they are the satanist crime boss. that who lead and orchestrate those crime from behind.

they always say that. with labeling. about themselves.

themselves. but they labeling and frame it to others.

they are the crime boss that illuminati children murder rape buisness.

fox rabbit chicken pizza hot dog gay boy arrested and shoted and cooked and missing and kidnapping and piece by pieces.

they doing porn snuff buisness with children and baby.

they are satanist. not a normal people.

they doing vaccine genocide and pandemic and war.

should kill it.

should kill japan tessa violet.

do murder japan tessa violet.

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