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작성자 사진Flament Olivier

let's make this clear.

so what i saying is .

not defending jewish.

jewish is compromised. it is evil. and obviously wrong.

it is just like diddy.

he is black . but compromised to global children sex trafficking.


that is what jewish is.

they are compromised. so have no problem about beating jewish.

but do not make justifying fucking japanese with it.


let's we be honest.

"that not make japanese innocent."

so obama control biden from behind??

that have no point.

at all.

that not make biden innocent.

japanese did all that crime.

we know it.

but becaue jewish is evil. why that is reason to make japanese innocent?

when they are not??

let's we make clear about this.

and just if honestly saying.

then jewish people should liberate themselves from NAZI. but actually also honestly.

can't expecting it. you know.

will they giving up their money? i don't think so.

but if really want to recommendation.

actually jewish people should fix your own issue.

that is jewish inner problem. that they should solve it.

others of coursely blame jewish.

becaues you guys just compromise.

then what people can do?? you guys literally evil. that is all.

so what is means.

let's blame israel and evil jewish. of coursely.

but let's we do not make japanese innocent with this.

so what is leftist problem?

they so much fear and coward.

and don't know how should do.

but want to complaining.

just do acting like grown ups.


fucking admit truth and do some effort for seek and searching information.

and listneing to right wing people and conspiroucy theory.

do some studying.

and fucking do effort.

not just complaining like shitty kid.

do some effort and admit truth.

acting like grown ups.


that so much disgusting.

they are just wanting to complaining about situation.

not trying to fix and solve problem.

just looking for whatever blame and labeling.

and just that is all.

feel like that can make their crime and ugly shit innocent?

you guys did killed people and children.


admit this.

and speak truth correctly until you die.

you guys did killed people and chlidren.

can you understand?

dont' want blame your self??

admit this fact.

and take responsiblity.

and speak truth for lost lives that you killed with fun joke.

people died. and children died.

and world is shit now.

should speak truth

fix this thing you messed up.

and just stand rightfuly like grown ups.

not just trying to complaining whatever shit like ugly fearful cowardness.

that is leftist problem.

uneducated and never grown ups retarded but yet greedy and violenceful fuckers.

that is most correct expression about leftist.

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