imagine that otani fans doing this to oldtimers dick errection encourage. when they rape boy.
so what is exactly otani fans they doing for their job.
let's make it happen!!
you can do it!! oldtimers!! you can make it happen!!
it's gonna get wild~~~!! it will stand up!!! it will gonna stand up!! like brave ukrainian soldiers!!!
and now you can rape boy!!!! stick in boy's ass!!!
let's make ties!!!! it's gonna get wild hot sex party~~~!!
it's party time oldtimers!!! you can do it!! you can make it happen~~!!
yeaaah~~~ woaaaaah ~~ woaaah!! yeaah! i agree with you!!~~~
boy is arrested!! stabbing!! oh??~~ boy is stabbed?!!! oh~~~ freaking out!! now your dick errect!!! yeaah!! make ties!! buckle up!! it's gonna get wild~~~~!!
kill yourself.
im serious.
and after that.
think about.
after that shit. they talk about their "sucess". on award interview.
we apprciate... about this great successs we made it!!. about this hypeman of the year~ when oldtimers rape boy~~! oh! pls edit this later~ so. we appreciate this achievement... it is really we went trhough many difficulties.... (suddeny crying)... it is because of you guys!! about this "achievement" ...!!
like that.
many otani fans dream. they support oldtimers dick encouage. and get earn success. you are famous!! motherfucker~~!
and raise your children with that blood money of raped dead children that you killed.
so it is you know. they feel offended. for about what?
because me ? or your ugly pathetic sorry life is itself is insult ??
of coursely. i blame it and accuse it. i will accuse it for your death.
trying to kill you. i want you otani fans fucking dies.
and i don't feel anything wrong about me.
kill yourself.
don't live that life of your ugly pathetic pooping shit life you trying to live.
that bothering others a lot.
everyone damaged by it. ugly trend. missing kidnapping. wild fire. pandemic. vacacine. plane crash shit. war is there.
kill yourself maybe that is only you can do for make this world better place.
isn't it?
people like you otani fans. get the fuck off.
don't trying to get earn fame.
don't trying to get attention or be fascinating or cool testoserone.
but just get the fuck off.
don't trying to shitting around feel like you are superstar fucking facinaitng shit.
no one gives a shit to you.
get the fuck off. then everyone will clapping to you.
know that?
kill yourself. that is compassion. i says.
should know that.
otani fans. no one needs you.
but you bothering people and make bad thing happens.
and you rape children. and you occuring pandemic.
kill yourself is what only way you can be loved.
get the fuck off.
so. how the break the spell of demons magic?
should talk about magic spell word.
that is the magic power for break the spell of dark demons magic.
how easy?
and talk about that "encourage of oldtimers dick errection buisness". when they rape boy.
you support it.
talk about it.
that is magic power word.
oldtimers dick errection enrouaging otani fans~~~~!!!! fuckers~!~~~
then demon die.
you say that. if you say that.
are you? doing your job? about make oldtimers boy rape dick errection supports?????? are you???
and then. punching their face. and shoot them with gun.
that is how defeat demons.
100% logic.