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listen what im saying carefully.

작성자 사진: Flament OlivierFlament Olivier

listen what im saying carefully.

and understand and feel.

and realize and recognize.

actual reality.

and shut off leftist japan.

and throw away. worldly life expectation.

your fraud mind. know your self how your mind trying to works.

feel your feelings.

think your thinkings.

then. it will never good.

yes. of coursely it will feel like shit.

it will never good at all.

know your self is.

know reality is.

it not exist for make your feelings just comfort.

at all.

admit that reality.

don't get mad or don't even attempt denying it.

accept it. and grow up. surpass it.

not fucking trying to blame and complaining.

never works.

don't trying to acting like shitty kid.

cheap and childish and just being jerk.

and that killed all people and children.

that attitude. acting like never grown up.

even went through all that bullshit once get vaccinated.

and fooled. and fool again and repeat same bullshit.

how much trying to will repeat over and over again your taint.

stop pretending.

now should awake.

world that we knew was just lying and fake.

awake from fake delusion. false dream and brainwash.

false expectations.

pretending for being social.

and you can recover your soul.

when exactly stop all that things.

world started killing us. genocide happened.

bio weapon. and lying.

think about how it was? it was trend.

it was people talking like they just naive and follow anything instruction from media news and worldly bullshit.

and it was very huge.

over 70% of humanity all fooled and no one resisted.

it is serious. and even now. people just acting like they never care anything.

feel like everything is just fine and just care about cheap porn and murder rape joke.

feel like you are very realistic and cool and scientific and smart.

but you never did.


don't want it.

just facing reality.

people don't want it. and not do.

hey, there is genocide happened. and leftist japan killing and occuring incident and lying faking.

knowing reality. but you don't want.

how much people mind be like that.

people think world is everything.

so if you think world is everything to you.

then do resist and do not agree with psychopath.

do not clapping at them and do not allow them to power to killing people.

for yourself.

if you are selfish and care about profit.

but people are not even do that.

just it is nothing. just not even belong to anywhere.

just empty and puppet robot and have no thought at all.

do resist. but there is too many ugly mind stucked in people.

want just profit. don't want think about cruel reality.

just want being playful and irresiponsible.

want avoid conflict. think accept bio weapon and oppression is better.

but never trying to giving up fraud ugly scam pretending.

never let go that false dream and delusion expectations.

feel like you must be super star in this world.

while everyone murder by genocide.

just expecting everything naively. never recognize.

never care anything.

but just arrogant and shitty emotions and hate jealousy is everything.

they know. they can recognize.

that is all.

cheap shitty scumbags.

must defeat it and surpass it.

do not even fucking trying to pretending to them.

exclude them and get off from their perception.

their purpose drag all others into hell.

shut off it completely.

people can understand this?

that leftist japan lying and faking and intimidate and instructions and many people clapping at murder rape like fun joke and all that companies and leaders famous and power just help their lying and join to violence.

and killing people and children dying baby dying.

and people keep clapping at it.

for money and ugly expectation and thoughtless.

and all dying now.

it is what reality and situation.

don't want?

depression and desperation.

and don't want know. and don't want think about it.

yes. so resist.

why agree with it and just make things getting more worse and worse.

it nothing help anything.

do resist. except resist there is nothing.

but people feel like,

omg.. but.. money.. profit.. jobs... fame... money...

so some people saying money is everything. fraud priority.


omg world is just should get earn money!!

so, media news keep faking you and lying brain wash to you.

and doctors giving you vaccine bio weapon and kill you.

because same reason.

can understand?

you think that shit.

and when all others think like that.

genocide happened.

and nobody fucking care and just dying.

for that weird psychopath money fraud profit priority

omg that is cool. that is realistic.

so children died and baby died and people all died.

for your that fucking theory.

and you people agree with it is pointless.

you people aiding support your own murderer and most worst psychopath and make world shitty place.

and you die and murder by them.

you should pretending and should appeal your self same psychopath

like you praise worship murder rape war violence.

but you just only want your ugly fraud mind.

that killing humanity now.

defeat those psychopath and ugly shitty scumbag people.


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situation briefieng. 2025 02 22.

current situation = "enemy occupied."









whatever rest of crime and events and accident ="it keep happens" because of your "let's make it happen" support and obey to japan.

explain. (somehow you must explain this!!!)

"don't need your cowardness."

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