lying is not works anymore.
and japan run out all their lying.
there is no pretending and lying is completely empty now.
what remain now?
all that fucking damage and casualties.
that is all.
no lying. no joke. no fun bullshit.
but crime and genocide is real.
all that blood sacrifice ritual. sabotage attack. chemical leak. missing kidnapping. wild fire. earthquake. hurricane. mysterious death. vaccine. pandemic. war.
chlidren rape. children sex trafficking.
new born baby dies.
pregnant teenager dies.
what about all that fucking consequences???
not a fucking lying labeling bullshit pretending.
should talk about actual reality and issue.
a state of war attack by japan has been existed.
declare this clearly and attack japan and kill every japanese.
what lying can cover up this??
even fucking UFO.
what lying you need? for cover up genocide???
fucking shitty scumbags.