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작성자 사진Flament Olivier

marks of beast and digital eternal life - watchdogs legion.

marks of beast

16 Also it causes all, both small and great, both rich and poor, both free and slave, to be marked on the right hand or the forehead,17 so that no one can buy or sell unless he has the mark, that is, the name of the beast or the number of its name.18 This calls for wisdom: let the one who has understanding calculate the number of the beast, for it is the number of a man, and his number is 666.

how it will come to us??

same like bible, you can't buying or selling.

money also go turn into digital.

from gold -> paper cash -> plastic credit card -> ????

crypto currency quite recent issue and one of future technology

there will be attempt

"micro chip implant in your body"

it is nice~ it is efficient~ it is convinient~ it is safe.

like, omg we need to do this for security issue

so everyone should using this.

or if you not using it, you can't even buying or selling.

and most of people will accept it. just trying to compromise with "worldly life"

for your fraud.

but already self assembling nano wire is installed in your body through vaccine.

and adding that. you completely become robot, and you are genetically modified being.

so companies can own you legally. like their property.

and they can control your thought, emotions, what you will do, what you will hate, what you will love, what you will fear,

they control everything. it just end of humanity.

if you resist then just can kill easily. with one button click.

this is what oppression i claim that we need to stop.

it too much serious so people don't even believe it.

mind uploading

also there is digital eternal life.

marks of beast is for commons. and it seems much more trying to fraud to old rich people.

new technology and new fraud.

so human mind can "transfer" to digital world?.

think about both case

SOMA tells copied one is not a same to original. i agree with this.

but even if human conciousness it self can go to digital world.

then that is actually more worse. just like that, you eternally suffer.

and you controled, edited, by from outside. and you can't even dying.

and brain scan is means copy.

it is not eternal life,

but also.

to who copied it and control it,

it will be just your own puppet show.

because original one already dead and gone eternally.

you playing with copied data. that is all.

and skye larsen that character expression look like elon.

but don't confuse.

elon know how world going on. and he trying to stop it. becuse he know these kind of threat and danger more than anyone.

so he lead people to right way.

and if you labeling it?? are you serious.?

evil will also confuse and there is dilemma

they want get rid of elon and labeling elon.

but marks of beast will labeled too.

because you are communist.

i don't labeling to elon. im not communist.

so, microchip implant and ditial eternal life.

this both thing is every cause of everything.

technology singularity near 2030

this is every cause of about how world works and why everything happen.

why war happened? why fraud election happend?

why leftist agenda and brainwash happened?

why vaccine covid is exist in this world.

at frist place. it don't need to even exist. right?



for real? do you believe it? we actually don't need none of these.

it all just manipulated evil bio weapon terror for "control"

and how is not important.

they will attempt this in many ways. but everything world talking is lying.

refuse marks of beast.

refuse leftist and japan.

leftist and japan.

those mocking operation group .

they are people who already pledged to become robot.

cut off them. they are some crazy zealot psycho.

they are demons. those are already sold souls.

and some worshiping about that stuff.

becoming robot. they don't care.

they think only they can get earn fraud profit in front of their eyes. then they don't care anything.

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