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작성자 사진Flament Olivier

marks of beast psy op slightly processing on media.

최종 수정일: 2023년 5월 26일

Man with paralysis walks naturally after brain, spine implants

here is marks of beast slightly trying to make people get used to it.

with feel like very heartwarming articles.

this is the psy op.

omg~ chip implant!! that is very helpful and nice~~!!

and it also they using disabled people for labeling weapon as like usual always been.

you know.

but who "will" disabled is vaccianted people.

get a shot and get covid + all additional side effect.

go get chip implanted and disabled + disabled but also internet connected cyborg.

this insanity. and byung sin who agree with this.

psycho leftist japan lying.

cut off and fight resist to them.

all humanity die and become robot.

what is people problem is.

you know. if you agree with what elite illuminati instructions.

then you get earn money.

and you people don't want losing your money from pedophile psychopath murderers.

so you desperately pretending. because you think that doing clown bullshit is something your precious chance and opportunity about you can get earn chance of big money and fame and trying to pick a side to illuminati purposely.

because they have money.

but that's also just you agree with vaccinations and chip implant for their oppression.

some slave mind. stucked in deep in their mind.

trying to being slave purposely.

give me money!! i will give you brain. like.

some delusional bullshit.

i will give you trillion dollar and you sell me to your brain with 1 dollar.

what kind of byung sin agree with this???

what kind of byung sin fraud is this???

and get a vaccination and get covid + vaccine side effect?

what kind of idiot.

and what is chip implanting??

get vaccination and disabled + and chip implanting ??

that just means, chip implanted disabed idiots?? right?

not just diabled. but disabled and also chip implanted like fucking puppet robot bullshit idot.

internet connected diabled. you know?

not just diabled person. but it internet 5G connected and disabled.

not just only gay. but what are you gay? and the deaf?. like.

if you want do disabled then just do only disabled.

not adding more byung sin.

byung sin + byung sin. situation.

diabled + disabled.

total byung sin insanity.

why keep adding more worse and worse???

it not just disabled by vaccination.

not only vaccinated.

but vaccinated and disabled and chip implanted.

disabled person. but internet connected disabled person.

that is means literally something hell.

you know.

you not just disabled. but you vaccinated and after that disabled.

but chip implanting you.

and you are very suffer but you become internet connected puppet.

is it heartwarming??? is it something leftist???

you know?

it is something psychopath.

조회수 10회댓글 0개

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