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maybe could many of people can feel like this.

작성자 사진: Flament OlivierFlament Olivier

when human mind facing end of the world...

i think there will be


- hope means, about world. feel like everything will be fine. but unfortunately, when saw the situation. hope that trying to just waiting and staying will be never help.


- doubt means, your hate and jealousy and purposely. don't want believe end of world and cruel reality.


- fear of psycho criminals killing and threat your job and bacon. and still can't let go obssession. so fear occurs from that. fear of losing fraud profit.


- if trying to being pretend you are agree with leftist and japan. then maybe can get earn fraud profit and crime. that expectation of garbage.


- actually knowing all truth but that truth too much pressure to you can handle. you are weak. and so much weak more than you can imagine. you could think yourself are cool and strong but you are actually brainwashed weak rat. that belief basis on you are well brainwashed and succeed to crime and fraud worldly life.

giving up

- you already know you perish into hell. so you just giving up. that means you are one of criminals, just kill yourself.


- literlally have no thought. but think everything is funny joke or something.


- just think everything will fine and maybe others save world or not but nothing is your responsiblity and trying to just being sheep. and trying to avoid blame through that behavior.

i want saying.

there is no time.

time is keep going forward but..

stop wasting time.

even now...

all time people not awake and just staying is never helping for yourself.

vaccine death and side effect..

it is matter of your own life and death.

more wasting time, more damage and more evil succeed to their killing.

cut off leftist japan.

and also should accept truth.

because that all time, you losing it for preparing about

your life. and you could need time for about yourself.

that all just wasting by leftist japan joke and bullshit.

if keep world sustain officially these lying.

then even you or who you loved died.

you didn't ready for it. then it will not good.

it could be feel like too much gloomy. people don't like it.

but that is what we facing now.

when should talk about actual truth. even if i want saying just positively but, reality is not positive at all.

but should saying truth.

people too much weak about sad or sorrow.

like retarded that think always should positive and bright and cool and strong.

just naturally accept reality and your emotion.

that make you strong and free your soul.

but just trying to struggle and trying to covering your weakness

don't need to appeal your sadness to others for get attention.

absolutely don't do that. but if necessary then do that and don't doubt yourself.

i mean, just at least recognize reality yourself alone.

feel like people can't do anything for themselves alone?

they always need some "agreement" of bunch of meaningless byung sin idiot.

just be yourself.

why people can't be yourself?

like, you can't do anything with out some ridiculous agreement between your "community"?

just think everything for yourself alone, and feel everything for yourself.

do that for yourself.

if don't want being sad about reality.

then have righteous anger?

how about that?

but absolutely accepting cruel reality is never positive thing.

desperation is ugly thing and people think that is shame.

and always being strong and shouldn't feel sad or sorrow even when just yourself alone.

but there will be time for yourself? right?

at least one time to be true to yourself?

but not just waiting like someone others allow your emotion and thinking.

why so much trying to thinking yourself is just minion and bunch of one of communist.?

something just following trend.

can't do anything for yourself alone?

with out news and media and bunch of agreement, until then.

you just locked up your emotion and thinking.

because "others" didn't allow it.

why living life like that?

just be your self.

make your soul free.

and just do everything for yourself alone.

emotion or thinking.

there is vaccine killing and leftist japan killing and world is shit.

end of world.

everyone could feel differently.

nothing matter.

anyways maybe there will be your own way to accepting it.

but must accepting it.

people have no awareness of "self."

but it's okay.

hope is not fraud hope.

but even you facing these all truth and desperation.

but you can be strong. you can laugh and you can joke.

even while all that cruel reality and end of world.

that is what hope means.

you have own rights about your own self.

but feel like world didn't allow even your emotion or thinking.

if it is not a trend or mainstream of brainwash.

people just trying to lock up their spirit.


why care others so much?

because they labeling and mocking and threatning and oppressing you?

with that typical leftist attitude?

so if majority not sad, then you shouldn't sad.

if majority get mad, then you should get mad follow to them.

and what is consequence of that way of life?

now world telling to us.

you should injecting nano machine for control.

if keep acting like that. according to that behavior.

world going like that.

because no one resist and no one be themselves.

claim your exsitence. make sure your soul.

this is the exact point of end of the world.

this part is what actual all problem and cause of truth


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situation briefieng. 2025 02 22.

current situation = "enemy occupied."









whatever rest of crime and events and accident ="it keep happens" because of your "let's make it happen" support and obey to japan.

explain. (somehow you must explain this!!!)

"don't need your cowardness."

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