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작성자 사진Flament Olivier

meanwhile japan keep planning and orchestrating all of those war and crime from behind scene.

what is UN?

united nations?

or criminal organization of united pedophiles??

evil jewish and evil japanese keep planning their crime and control over a world.

fox rabbit chicken pizza hot dog gay boy arrested shoted and cooked.

but look at that

who control UN and doing crime BOSS???

trying to more fox rabbit chicken pizza hot dog???


speech that shit??

"let's we more fox rabbit chicken pizza hot dog with UNITED NATIONS~~~~!!!"

japan did that.

japan frame everything into jewish .

and ugly jewish step on this.

what is japanese theory exactly?

evil jewish and frame everything their own crime what they did to jewish.

it is crime structure competition.

same team. but they competive each others.

and japanese doing cut off israel.

so israel go for war and japanese get profit from behind.

and frame every crime japan did into evil jewish theory.

and jewish step on this.

that is situation.

only israel they serious about their own war.

but japanese take profit from behind easily with using evil jewish theory.

japan just throw away people to evil jewish theory and just while israel serious about their own war.

and they take profit with easy.

and people keep focus on evil jewish theory.

but who did that all fox rabbit chicken pizza hot dog gay boy arrested and shoted cooked ???

japan did it.

but there is evil jewish theory is there. while people beating out this.

isreal go for war about too much serious. for themselves alone.

and japan just cover up all that creepy psychopath crime "they did".

look at this situation how it going on.

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