there is no "misunderstanding".
japan did crime for fun and thrill of violence. purpose.
and what japan talk about "misunderstanding" is now they enjoyed every crime way of they want to.
and seems get caught and people noticed it and can't faking it anymore.
then trying to justifying it with using their power and authority of control.
that is all. what misunderstanding?
no one confused. i alway said.
no one fooled.
no one confused.
people. criminals otani fans especially. i ask you.
did you confused? what was your purpose?
wild hot sex. boy arrested. surprise. thrill. violence. death toll rise up.
that was what you likes and reason of why you did obey to japan.
regardless. maybe you will say. omg it is not~~
that is not argue.
what i telling is.
you otani fans know truth. why you did encourage and supported that japanese ??
what was purpose you wanted? of coursely murder and rape.
you guys likes murder people and rape people isn't it?
and im honestly saying. it is not a even blame you.
but you guys did that. because that reason. i want to talk about "truth". itself.
regardless your emotion or don't want blame yourself. i don't care.
but let's be make thing clearly.
okay? with out any lying and faking.
so japanese want to "misunderstanding" justifying attempt.
of coursely not.
no one fooled.
no one confused.
but now seems get caught then they talk about
feel like every that crime was misunderstanding.
what about all those fucking bullshit crime sabotage vaccine pandemic burn down house for smart city and bit coin and murder rape and global events and abusing torture people?
they fooling people and control them like puppet for exploit.
and feel like that was misunderstanding.
what a psychopath demons. how fucking disgusting.
there wasn't misunderstanding.
no one did fooled.
that many of otani fans and criminals they prove it.
if they did misunderstanding???
if those otani fans criminals did confused.
nothing was happned.
that is fact.
because they didn't misunderstanding anything.
that is why "make it happen" was possible.
can you understand?
if they misunderstanding about japanese what they doing.
there is no murder rape?
no one did pick a side to you.
fucking shitty scumbags.
there wasn't confuing and misunderstanding.
what was you wanted?
rape. murder rape. surprise. thrill. bad news. for your boring life entertainment.
and japan talk about feel like everything was misunderstanding.
now they occupied many nation goverment and control every companies with CEO get shot and smart city buisness and vaccine and children sex trafficking.
now fucking they feel generous. aren't they?
that is what those criminals when they arrogant.
now get some many profit from those death toll rise up and children rape and people death.
now you feel so much generous and mercyful.
now did get some money from chlidren death right?
then they telling it was misunderstanding.
why not? because anyways after all every scumbags will agree with it.
and ask that to those scumbags.
what is reason?
why they did obey to japan exactly.
if murder rape wasn't there.
did they really think support you and cover up your crime like that?
of coursely not.
no one confused.
that is what "otani fans"
people did pick a side to you. and they will cover up you japanese fuckers.
of coursely. because that they didn't confused anything.
if they confusing? then that will be quite very problem. aren't you?
if they confused about suspect of every those sabotage and children rape.
that is actually trouble to you japan.
can understand?
they not obey to you then. they not cover up your crime for you.
then you are trouble. fucking idiot.
because they didn't confused you can arrogant and feel generous like that.
omg. it was misunderstanding~ now we will provide another story!! you guys know how should acting?? right?
should agree with it. cover up!!! cover up this!!!!
because. everyone know what you did.
that is reason why they cover up you.
because all that murder rape japan did and otani fans also can cover up their's crime too.
"no one didn't confused"
not even single gae se ki didn't confused.