A new short movie honors the courage of Turkish military personnel and highlights the contributions of Turkish engineers to the world of military aviation.
This is absolutely amazing in every way, everyone who contributed to this should be proud.
i love that thumnails expression of flag of Türkiye.
and also toyota terrorist vehichle. lol.
pedophile nation and terrorism nation.
that is japan.
nation itself is some kind of garbage land.
just like los angeles.
los angeles also pedophile and they even today did gun shoot masscare.
they killing you now.
there is fucking demons. killing you people. now.
even now.
they vaccinated you and they threat you and they kill you.
already they started genocide to a humanity.
you people aiding them, you give them to power for yourself.
and you die. according to your aiding.
you die. you fucking idiot. not get earn payment from them.
you kill yourself and all others now.
cut off fucking bullshit and follow my guidance.
what is fucking point of media employees and leftist employees doing bullshit aiding pedophiles and make them kill more and more??
what you fucking want?
they will vaccinate every humanity and make 15min city prison for you.
and you should just living in their manipulation about your motive, emotion, behavior.
fucking resist.
humanity going end now.
fucking situation.
it is real fight against to a real demon that since humanity begining.
all of you is dying now. awake and resist.