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작성자 사진Flament Olivier

murder japanese. it is demons.

what is japanese is?

they have only one purpose. about everything what they talking or what they doing is.

"murder intention".

that is japanese is.

they only do murder.

they always killing.

that is japanese.

never trust them.

never agree to them.

but just should kill japanese.

there is nothing to do about our lifetime. in this earth.

but we should just do murder japanese.

while we living life.

that is what god given to humanity what we should do is, murdering japanese.

that is what god want to we should do about our life.

killing demons and fight against to evil and make ourselves prevent those evil.


they are not belong to humankind.

it is just should kill it.

they kill humanity.

it is natural enemy against to humanity.

a japanese.

demonic psychopath.

only thing in this earth. about our journey of life.

there is nothing to do actually.

but what is god given purpose of humankind is.

murdering japanese.

do you know why?

because evil criminals are never trying to kill japanese but they obey to it.

they betray gods. and they obey to demons beasts a japanese.

that obivously you can notice it.

people who not believe god. mostly of them is obey to japanese.

they literally worship it.

about murder rape violence and mocking others death and satanic demonic stuff.

that all come from japan.

and chlidren sex trafficking.

but who will denying it???

only demonic people obey and agree to japan.

but if someone have common sense.

and if someone have no hidden intention.

hidden ugly intention if you have.

then you agree with japanese. or trying to slightly faking it.

omg... i think..??... japanese could be nice??? i don't doubt them?... i have another opinions.??


i tell you with god's word.

there is no another opinions.

but if you say it.

that means, you hiding your true intention deepest in your mind, there is demons.

then you say "another opinions" about japanese.

when only in that condition. when you have faking mind. and ugly demonic intention hiding it your dirty ugly deepest darkside of your mind.

then you , not responde into negative way about japanese.

you trying to do effort for justifying japanese.

when only in condition. you have hidden intention trying to against and betray god.


im just saying what fact is.

if you are not. then you just speak truth.

omg.?? japan did that crime?? oh my god!! they are crazy!! insane!!

we must kill it!!

that is what common sense. and god given correct faith and god's will.

but if anyone talk differently?

and trying to attempt faking it?

why there is "another opinions"??? about this.

japan did that shit.


have any problem?

should kill japanese.

that is all.

about humanity existence and civliaztion and our purpose of exist.

is only about murdering japanese .

means. not saying commit sin of murder.

becaue murdering japanese is not a sin.

what is means, murdering japanese is justice and goodness and faith and god given rights and our life purpose.

opposite against to "evil".

and that evil is means japan.

so we murder it.

it is our life purpose.

조회수 5회댓글 0개


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