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  • 작성자 사진Flament Olivier

my thought about britain situation.

UK will stop vaccine 50 under healthy people

but at same time

also trying to selling booster shot more.

it some, feel like they found middle grounds. but no. should completely ends.

maybe. that big pharma could claim if they can sell their vaccine then they think they should able to sell. some kind of their rights of buisness?

their consumer(i mean retardeds) if they want buying vaccine, then they should able to keep buying their precious product from big pharma.

maybe that kind of feelings.

and.. so it is important "awareness".

"your choice" basis reasonable and individual that can have some thought.

and but it positive. anyways. slightly finding way.

actually it should government competely ban all vaccine and all big pharma.

but it maybe still difficult. fight with evil and find our rights is not easy. i didn't expected easy way. but keep resist!!

awareness is important!! awake!!!

조회수 6회댓글 0개

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