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작성자 사진Flament Olivier

NASA is lying.!!! fake asteroid for intimidate every nation.

Earth will briefly have a second ‘mini moon’ this autumn

Earth’s gravitational pull will cause a trapped asteroid to orbit around planet for about two months

so, NASA says. some fucking asteroid entering earth orbital for a while.

that is actually weapons they talk about.

they threatning every nation in this earth.

and as i already said. meteor strike or moon fall scenario.

and what is fact is?

"no one actually know, about what that asteroid is."

that is officially annoucned as asteroid entering. but actually that is not exist.

there is no information about what that is.

but i know that is weapons.

so why that is exist? trying to make people compromise to japanese.

threatning. what is means. omg if you not agree with japan then that fucking asteroid thing will strike your nation.

that is context.

so one of predictable scenario is happening in real time right there.

i said.

vaccine, global pandemic,

pole shift, meteor strike, moon fall, UFO invasion with holographic,

reptile crawling from underground. global EMP attack with solar corona mass ejection for RESET bit coin.

many unrealistic bullshit also including in their scenario.

so one of it is revealed.

it is unrealistic.

people. do you believe? really there is some fucking astreoid suddenly entering into earth orbit?? and shitting around for a while no reason?

"intimidate". purpose. okay?

and NASA is just like WHO. it is lying and satanist organization.

never trust it.

are you asteroid????

nah~ you are asteroid~~~ NASA said it~~~ just like WHO said it is not a bio weapons~

조회수 10회댓글 0개

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