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  • 작성자 사진Flament Olivier

every truth of NAZI-jewish-japan connection.

최종 수정일: 9월 27일

sieg zion!!?? motherfuckers???

Kishida also noted that the Japan External Trade Organization, or JETRO, is set to open an office in Kyiv in October.

so NAZI method is always same.

how diddy rape justin bieber when he was boy?

abusing it and constantly torturing mentally suffer.

and make him desperate about success.

give him to false promise.

and rape it.

that is same story of NAZI did to jewish.

with through violence. extreamly insane violence and using torture. literally.

that can see everytime how japanese doing it?

to a leftist.


omg!! stabbing !! stabbing!!! swapping your wife!!! missing kidnapping!!! oh my god!!!

justin bieber was had went through almost same thing. more worse.

just remember that when the moment of justin bieber was tried to getting success and fame.

then all kind of abusing and bullying and mental torture.


all same.

can see what is that mind control and brainwash through extreamly abusing and torture and suggest false promise and achieve their crime and control and domination.



Question about phrase "Sieg Zeon"

disclaimer - this is not to make real live politics discusions or something.

So , any one else finds it ironic that Sieg Zeon is used by what in visual style amounts to 3rd reich in space ?

Since phonetically Zeon is almost the same Zion ( a jewish name for Jerrusalem ).

Any one knows if it was intentional or accidental ?

so why 80's japanese anime famous gundam series.

there is weird phrase about sieg zeon. zion.

so sieg is german word victory.

but zeon, zion is jewish.

so zionism is victory?? but they say it with NAZI 3rd reich style?

zionism it self suggested from NAZI to jewish.

that is link between how jewish they pledged for NAZI.


but japanese say it.


but just see what i explained.

NAZI dominated jewish. and jewish is NAZI.

and japan is NAZI alliance.

can make sense all piece of puzzle together??

japan was NAZI!!!


japan was NAZI!!

people don't know this truth.

japan was , NAZI.

and still now NAZI.

NAZI don't want dirty ugly jewish identity anymore.

and they need new innocent victims identity of south korea.

and of coursely that is also why north korea nuclear scenario.

because before take that idenity first they make it victims of genocide first.

because it must be innocent and very pittyful and kind~ and nice~ and omg so sad~~~~!!

because NAZI should using it identity. from behind. then feel like it must be fascinaing clean~~ and so much victims~~ have wound of genocide~~!! and actually do genocide for fun. while that process.

just like they did to that jewish. same.

just like.

so what is history is.

NAZI did assimilate jewish already. of coursely.

what they did through all that genocide and violence???

of coursely jewish already surrendered and assimilate by NAZI.

what we can expecting?

it dominated already. since world war 2. through all that genocide and extream violence and war.

jewish is NAZI.

and false promise = zionism.

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