stomatitis is about symtpoms of immunity collapse down. according to vaccination.
not a herpes. japan will spreading disinformation for cover up vaccine death.
so i really explain thing with in objectivity.
omg. leftist. you guys die. you murder by japanese.
but that is true.
and israel is disposal.
that is all.
i just speak truth. itself.
and mexico drug cartels?
they just unofficial army that raise with intention and purpose.
that not they doing thing for themselves. they also in control and have specific purpose.
not they get earn power.
someone give them to power from behind.
they are unofficial army for specific military purpose.
not a just gangster.
and nazi HQ is moving.
israel japan ukraine is same team.
but inside of their structure.
because israel uses is fulfiled and seems demons want moving into japan.
i just explain their situation too.
explain. about what is happening.
so anyways should speak truth.
and regardless you leftist pick a side or not.
you die. with immunity collapse down. slowly and slightly.
and you will get insane first. then. just japanese control you like puppet.
when get sick then also mind is sick. when people mind is weakening then it is easy to control.
japan using bio weapons and constantly abusing and mind control.
they vaccinate you. then abusing you. then control you.
then spend your time into more precious thing.
support japan and anyways die.
then do not obey to them.
leftist is very extreamly sensitive.
why you sensitive and emotionally very delicate.
because you dying.
and you denied it.
and when you not take time for accept truth.
then easily panic. and japanese abusing you.
and keep joke and jerk attitude.
then you can't facing death. then that fear is makes you insane.
so that is what japanese psy op they doing for military purpose.
trying to kill US and destroying US.
it is war situation.
everyone should fight against to japanese.