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nothing makes you special and it is actually have no problem.

작성자 사진: Flament OlivierFlament Olivier

so what was problem was,

when joe biden lying. you fooled. and i didn't fooled.

that is why me is "special". if that is the reason.

of coursely should blame joe biden. don't be lower than joe biden.

if you follow joe biden and believe joe biden.??

that makes you "not special" you lower than joe biden.

then you feel others is better than you.

and you feel hate and jealousy to others. and completely controled by japan tessa violet mind control exactly.

let's make it happen. and you kill others and rape others. and trying to believe yourself is special than them. just like charlse manson.

psychopath killers. you guys acting like that.

but fundamental cause is joe biden. and japanese. and tessa violet.

there is fraud scam and crime. but because you obey to them.

and how illuminati treat you guys?

did you saw that? trump was did mcdonald employees and trashman performance.

that is because illuminati feel jealousy to politicians or celebrities.

they purposely bullying their own minions.

like that way.

most of celebrities went through some bullying problem becuase their fame.

but actually as we know how they did to justin bieber?

that wasn't trend.

intended and designed bullying on celebrities for mind control.

and people was invovled it. about bullying just one boy who wanted be fame on youtube. that was all. actually.

when that moment of history tells every truth.

think about. you guys involved to diddy .

can you believe it????

that is what "let's make it happen". crime. that intended trend.

they makes participate about those abusing for mind control on specific target.

and nowadays is could be jack conte and nataly dawn is target of that mk ultra programming. obviously.

it just obvious. right there.

how they act and talk and what is their purpose?

so what "people" responsiblity? about this?

when there is illuminati abusing mind control is there.

why you did participate about bullying justin bieber ??? becaus it was "trend"???

but now truth is revealing right there.

we can notice it. oh!!.. that wasn't trend!!! oh!! shit!!!!


you participate to diddy. through in the name of fun trend.

that is what also very right moment it is happening even now.

should blame it. not encourage it and support it.

there is crime is happening.

shoudl speak up.

and i can't understand. people who living in los angeles but don't know about illuminati or cult pedophiles buisness is there?

or don't heared about pizza gate or epstein or evergreen ever once?

do some care about.

they talk like they loves city los angeles. but actually not that know and not that care about.

how can don't know??

there was many murder and psychopath crime was there. in that los angeles.

and knowing about illuminati existence is not that new thing.

everyone know. and that is why right wing not vote to joe biden exact reason.

when julian assange expose that and people doing effort.

what are they not know about issue? that was kind of huge.

that everyone know like common knowledge. oh... democrats was criminals...!!

that wasn't even new thing.

that just everyone know.

so that is why i can't understand why there is leftist.

when LGBTQ+ and political correctness rise up.

why people didn't asked about question about democrats problem?

when in right moment at that times.

people didn't informed well.

so should inform people.

of coursely trump also have blame.

about why not accuse joe biden crime. and why pandemic budget passed.

but in this case. because we know, trump also take life threatning.

can't blame that much.

but anyways should speak up with ourselves. if trump can't do. because circumstance we knew.

but as trump should speech on bullet proof glass.

as we concern about our own safety could be stabbing or missing kidnapping by japan tessa violet.

we can share that risk each others. what we worry about is also he worry about.

so anyways every each of position. we should effort. for in own position.

as much we can do.

while we know that we take that risk. but speak up. for our own rights.

if can know "let's make it happen" crime method.

then can see every other crime in same context.

that is same crime.

that same purpose and same context by same people.

just like traditional typical crime that always been existed in history.

manson murder case. or whatever murder. or movie omen is great example.

puppet show manipulation focus basis on victims and mind control.

it is feel like, there is victims be target. then basis on that victims. every people around victims playing show.

they just instructed specific behave or talking.

then victims trapped in delusion and can't get off from that delusional puppet show for that person.

see the movie omen. as crime case.

and omen, it means symptoms, or signals, or prediction. about omg~ seems bad thing "happens~~~"

final destination like.

what if it happens~ i saw the omen, the signal and symptoms.~~~

that japan tessa violet also using it same method in nowadays too.

typical same context crime.


omen. means some bad prediction about what if bad thing happens~~??

worry and anxiety.

that is what they using.

people didn't you also having it?

about worry and anxiety!!

feel like it "happens~~~" let's make it happens~~~


final destination. you guys remember that movie?

feel like signal~~~~!! oh!!! magical prediction about bad thing could happens~~~ oh~~~

japan tessa violet doing that shit. typically.

omg stabbing!! stabbing!!! oh!! word!! word is suspious!! what if it bad thing happen??~~ oh fear this!! oh~~~~ we fear alphabet!!!!

mash potato!!! omg it gonna make it happen!!!! oh my god~~!

they provoking and lead that worrying vibes.

feel like we should worry and anxiety~~ and fear about words...

oh... oh my god... someone said mash popato!!! what if it happens????

then japan tessa violet control you like puppet.

omg!! it happend!! it happens!!! bad thing happens!!!

so. get off from that mind control.

no one fool.

don't need to worry and anxiety.

just beating them.

just punching japanese tessa violet face and ask to them to shut the fuck up.

it is easy and simple thing. we can know every crime of this earth and illuminati secret.

if you attacking japan tessa violet. then can know.

should treat them as enemy.

and blame them. and focus basis on japan tessa violet crime.

then do not worry and anxiety about over a nothing "word".

do you guys fear "alphabet"?????


but what is problem?

who shitting around?

japan tessa violet.

attack them.


so how to break the demons magic spell?

it is expression as "dark magic". they believe like that cult.

but. it is not a dark satanic magic or nothing.

just intimidate.

criminals intimidate and life threatning you.

and they call it satanic dark magic.

so also we have magic spell.


i know it!! im sure about it!!

100% they did!!!

then demons die. it is easy.

only problem is overcome fear.

that of coursely you could die by japan tessa violet if you accuse them.

should overcome that fear and should accuse suspect correctly.

not because suspect intimidate.

criminals of coursely they intimidate.

is there any criminal exist? who when police say "stop!!"

then criminals stop?? they of coursely run and intmidate and shitting around.

that is of course thing. then should surpressing it.

when everytime japan tessa violet stabbing people for trying to resist and struggle.

should keep blame them and surpressing them.

treat them as criminals and enemy correctly.

not a encourage and obey to psychopath criminals.


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situation briefieng. 2025 02 22.

current situation = "enemy occupied."









whatever rest of crime and events and accident ="it keep happens" because of your "let's make it happen" support and obey to japan.

explain. (somehow you must explain this!!!)

"don't need your cowardness."

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