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작성자 사진Flament Olivier

now world war 3 signal started.

keep watching and prepare.

food and water, get armed, stay away from 5G tower.

still seems okay to see more situation.

but always said, should be ready for act.

everything is about covering vaccine.

so how world in panic, keep refuse vaccine, and check people who against to me. and when marks of beast come with false hope.

never accept it.

and copy all my blog artilces and printing it and keep it.

there is every truth.

seems they still trying to slightly and carefully move?

so when evil acting like that, you should be awaken.

not just being sheep.

awake and resist.

throw away slave mind that trying to compromise.

like you can't live with out worldly fraud life.

resist and speak truth for keep your that ugly fraud daily life.

USAF MQ-9 reaper drone

An unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) is an aircraft that carries no human pilot or passengers.

no casualties yet.

it is no direct threat about world war situation.

but evil always carefully move i said.

they start with it. slightly.

they want trying to how people react.

so it purposely happened incident for trying to kill vaccinated people with silence as always usual. you know.

if you people not awake and keep acting like dumb fucking stupid then everything go forward.

evil also watching your all move and reaction.

don't fucking pretending you don't know what is going on.

there is some purposely mind exist.


admit truth quick and fast.

now even came here, still pretending?

they could be just forcing forward.

and anyways it already predicted what they will doing.

so you should be prepared.

and keep awake and effort for prevent.

it just easy.

cut off criminals gibberish and do not pretending you believe it.

speak what is correct and truth.

claim your rights and should throw away fraud mind and slave mind.

calm down but recognize situation.

that is how starting.

so should have awareness.

when situation like this should more trying to depend to objectivity.

not just panic or indifferent.

when in crisis, be calm and cool. and objectively react it.

clever is not matter of knowledge.

be calm and smartly react.

retarded is also not matter of inteligence.

being panic and ruin thing more worse with your negativity.

that conclusion is stupidity and worse.

so awake.


read all my article again and again until you can understand.

and basis on that actual correct fact.

saying your opinion.

speak and discuss.

there is no other opinion exist in this earth except what i said about truth.

if someone claim other opinion. just shut the fuck up and get the fuck off.


basis on my explanation.

that is all fact.

actual reality. there is even summary anyone can understand.

there is no "don't understand' exist at all.

only matter is your fraud mind purposely trying to denying it. with fear and slave mind trying to expecting to world.

so what you can expecting??

bank run? world war 3? chemical leaked?


what is point of your slave mind.

lay down fucking ugly fraud mind.

there is no bacon anymore.

fucking awake.

you want keep bacon?

awake and resist.

i think it's about to time to learn things.

do not resist and effort for trying to pretending.

it is easy? right?

your hate and jealousy and fear and fraud mind. slave mind.

slave mind. trying to parasiting to worldly life knew already what is going on.

but it is so difficult? to lay down that?

it really so much that difficult?

it is so much precious so you even vaccinated and world war happen, but your fraud mind is always first priority.?

throw away that.

it is all about that.

throw away that arrogant and lazy and coward and ugly hidden criminal self.

just do it.

throw away and lay down, and filling with faith.

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