conversation with people each others.
about issue.
if anyone who not talk about,
joe biden treason,
trump compromise,
enemy occupied goverment,
japanese let's make it happen.
ukraine money laundry war.
israel 3rd temple divine lying war.
vaccine medical experimental.
los angeles wild fire for rebuild it into smart city buisness.
those issue.
if anyone who not talk about these of actual reality.
then that is satanist pedophiles psychopath killer.
do that conversation with each others.
even criminals.
hey criminals! how you doing? doin good? how you rape boy when you want to rape it?
let's make it happen~~!!
ask that to japanese for rape boy~~~!!
ask that to criminals. every criminals know the method how to doing it.
it is trend. every criminals they support japanese and praise and worship their boy rape buisness and let's make it happen sabotage attack.
that war activities officially happen that anyone can talk about.
vaccine bio weapon genocide. and make it happen many accident that actually intended sabotage war activities by japan. and tessa violet imposters.
and many otani fans who associate and organized and hired people who criminals.
they are criminals.
not just otani fans who fan of japanese. not just japanese fan.
they are enemy occupied criminals who threatning and killing people and rape children.
they so much know that buisness well.
worship and praise japanese.
trying to rape children.
i know what you trying to doing.
speak this.
hey otani fans!! i know what you doing. trying to "make it happen?" and so much hard working about make your obeying japanese praise contents you desperately appealing your self to japanese ?? right.
why? trying to rape boy? right?
i know what you doing. fuckers.
do not fucking pretending. everyone know what japanese buisness is about boy rape and make it happen killing people.
don't even attempt faking yourself.
should speak this conversation with each others.
hey~~ omg~ how are you~~ japanese killed people with make it happen~~ and another murder and boy rape again~~~ wow~ just another day of vaccine genocide satanic boy rape psychopath crime~~~
that many people encourage this. because there is possiblity that could die by japanese and tessa violet.
they targetting people and labeling and intimidate people for shut the fuck up and rape boy.
omg that is really worry about~~~! wow~~~~!! nowadays~!
vaccine genocide and make it happen intimidate~~!!!
make it happen~~~~~!!! feel like accident but because word is same so every criminals know that method~~~!!
ask that to criminals~~ they know how to rape and kill people.
japanese "let's make it happen~~~~!~~!!"
right? and tessa violet wild hot sex party. after killing boy and stabbing boy then they suddenly feel excite and doing sex party that no one know.
what the fuck is that?
speak this conversation with people together.
it is very tricky to talk about it. i know.
because japanese targetting you and organized otani fans who hired employees they labeling you.
then something happen. then feel like your word is same.
then that is evidence why you are the villain and enemy.
then they kill you and kill your wife and rape your children.
isn't it?
or losing your job and disadvantage and burn down your house.
we could murder by japanese and tessa violet.
becaues they targetting people with labeling!!!
and word is same~~~~!!
word is same~~~ word is sounds like similar~~ then that is evidence~~~!! why not???
why not? becuase tessa violet is marry popins magic witch make it happen ~~~!!
wow!!! so many people and chlidren murdered!!!
but it is tricky to talk about it!!
becuase they kill you!!!!
speak "this".
japanese, let's make it happen. fox rabbit chicken pizza hot dog.
which is same context of pizza gate and epstein list and diddy list same criminals. same satanist.
known as illuminati.
that not a tricky. not a consprioucy theory.
but happening in real time right there with vaccine genocide illegal medical experimental.
and weaponized trend. and sabotage attack that through using trend.
war actvities. military purpose of war activities. we can talk about.
not a trend. war activitiees. with war purpose. which is have war attack purpose that killing people and children.
that we can talk about it with goverment and military and congress.
that military soldiers was also vaccinated that bio weapons.
means bio weapons used on military soldiers for purpose of kill them.
enemy war activities right there.
should define that "let's make it happen" enemy propaganda as war attack activities.
officially should declare that. which is damaged military soldiers with using bio weapons.
bio weapons that means have purpose of killing soldiers by enemy.
and also that same bio weapons which is have military war attack purpose.
was used on people and civlian and children.
so we can talk about this issue.
with all together with not tricky to talk about.
and should punching every otani fans face and shoot them with gun.
should kill them.
speak "this" issue.
so. let's we fact check again together.
with every people. every criminals. every goverment and military and congress and media news.
everyone together.
we FACT CHECK about this with agreement.
let's make it happen = "enemy propaganda faking it as trend, but for war purpose that have purpose of killing people and children."
we agree with each others. about this. we know this same truth with each others.
as i know this. you know this too!!! how nice!! now we are know same truth!!!
very happy!!!!!
i know what you know.
and you know what i know!!!
know this same truth together!!!!! with all every others too!!!!
how happy!!!!
let's make it happen = "enemy propaganda faking it as trend, but for war purpose that have purpose of killing people and children."
let's talk about this issue.
because. criminals they also know this.
isnt' it?
if they don't know. how they can crime?
they can crime because they know this first.
so we don't have problem with each others.
when we talk about this.
criminals also agree and know this together.
what i know. is they also know very well!!!
so have no problem!!!
they know how it works and method how kill and rape !!!
seems we know this. means. no argue.
why argue?
hey criminals? how is it going? your "buisness" (crime) ????
is it going well? let's make it happen?? right?
what is problem?
suspect is clear.
that your "agree" and "admit" is clear.
so when i talk about this. i can't feel tricky.
because it is not a lying.
lying is bad.
isn't it?
lying is bad thing. how dare to i can lying to you ??
if i lying. then that is disrespecting you. so i can't.
i can't lying to you.
becaues it is mocking and insulting you.
fucking criminals .
so i can't lying. how i can do that???!!!!! oh my god!!!!!!
i can't!!!
i can't lying!! becuase what if you criminals stabbing me?!?!!! and kill me?!!!
because i did lying?!!!!!
oh my god?!!!!!
i can't!!!!!
so i did speak truth.
so have no problem.
they know.
criminals they know japan did every sabotage attack and murder rape and every accident with using trend method.
word joke. labeling target. and kill victims. and cover up with intimidate.
"let's make it happen."
that every criminals know.
we can talk about this.
everyone actually know.
every media news employees know because journalist also murdered by same let's make it happen crime for themselves.
for themselves. just like idiot byung sin.
and many famous and celebrities. of coursley they know japan is the suspect and tessa violet.
and method.
word joke.
every goverment and military know.
military soldier was get killed by same crime.
every company know.
CEO get shoted.
CEO get stabbed.
they know.
everyone know.
that TREND. "let's make it happen".
even now. there is many enemy compromised otani fans they desperately appealing themselves with praise and worship = "JAPAN".
CLEARLY. they know. they know method. what is crime. they know suspect.
they know how to doing it.
very well.
so many people died. and many people living in fear and intimidate.
that could murder by japanese and tessa violet.
they target people and labeling people.
and intimidate people.
everyone know.
should talk about this.