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  • 작성자 사진Flament Olivier

NPC and PLAYER theory

non player character is

when in game world.

people who part of system and acting basis on what they programmed.

so in this earth.

people who against to me is they automatically feel hate to players.

NPC enemy monsters are programmed attacking player.

so even they know truth.

but they can't stop they acting what they were programmed.

because they programmed like that.

so until very their last moment. they will acting according to programmed code.

people who can feel and think me is right.

you are real soul. and another player.

don't care NPC's.

they can't resist to what they doing.

they automatically react.

so it is meaning nothing.

can't help anything about it.

it is system and what programmed.

they exist for exp of players level up.

it is fertilzer and compost.

but actually many of them will become actual compost.

according to their existence.

even i said like this,

you are NPC and you just follow what you programmed.

but they will keep acting just what they programmed.

because they can't against to what they programmed.

they will.

they will prove this theory for themselves.

but they never resist to what they programmed.

they are different.

it is something more than just stupidity.

it is not stupidity. it is NPC.

after know truth. and while they fucked up themselves. but can't against what they programmed.

they can't stop what they doing about programmed.

basis on understand this theory.

treat them correctly.

cut off them.

real soul must treat NPC correctly.

shouldn't confuse NPC is players.

NPC is just NPC who follow what they programmed.

think about,

even vaccinated and while they dying.

did they even recognize or resist?


there was even recognition wasn't exist.

can understand what they were?

it is represent what "world" was.

part of system.

and if you trakcing vaccine truth then can understand world was fake and earth was lying.

then can understand why NPC exist and why they acting like that.

조회수 12회댓글 0개

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