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  • 작성자 사진Flament Olivier

old fairy tale of fraud and clown and coward.

president yoon attent to WEF world economic fraud forum for clown.

it is very shame and diplomatic failure in history and perish into hell.

and seriously.

metatron is korean but president acting like this is serious level of inteligence problem. nation leader don't even know what is metatron. and not knowing god. and not even trying to know. and can't read world situation stream of actual age.

what we facing now and where we going now?. focus to technology singularity. and what is actual warlord trying to doing?. vaccine and 5G control.

but all of you only care about fraud. sicking of this level of retardedness.

actually should eliminate earth itself.

anyways, there was threatning. nepal air plane crash seems warn for assassination.

and also when 1/9. there was earth quake and north korea military defeated i guess.

but it could be by the tactical nuke. maybe that is how they control.

so, world is whatever is just all that warlord control. nothing is real. all fraud.

everything. literally everything.

it just there is no freedom to us at first place.

that is reality.

and now they attempt using nano tech vaccine inject us and using 5G control.

so it is now humanity over.

and people not trying to admit it.

so much fear.

we all know if you resist then labeling and attacking and assassination and murder.

but it is thug anyways.

and all government international organization, hospital, military, all social infra, experts, celebrities, influencer

none of them never claim our own divine rights for freedom.

i even claim to a god for real ultimate free will.

but all people just not even claim to vaccine 5G rubbish oppression.

that fucking sloppy crude barbaric primitive way of oppression.

that is what warlord so much wanted.

maybe he wished for christmas for vaccinate people and control.

omg. i want so much want make people vaccinated.. god pls!!! fulfil my wish!!! jesus!!!!

so we should against it.

this ... "shit"


anyways. it is serious.

i don't want people too much feel pressure.

people can't even facing it. you know.

inteligence is not mean knowledge it self.

should facing your weakness.

there is all fraud mind, cowardness, filthy crime, murder, hate and jealousy.

and retarded, byung sin, all of negativity.

resist to evil is not easy.

warlord smarter than we are. and already control everything.

it seems there is no way out.

but it is easy.

just control your negativity. don't make them control your negativity.

fraud method is always same.

"your" filthy fraud mind and cowardness.

they always using it.

so it is matter of how you can be honest to your self.

brutal and cruel honest to yourself.

then that is inteligence.

take back your soul. and being real.

and you can facing real dimension.

how opponent are cunning and smart and powerful is not important.

when you can be you.

only matter is "you is you" or just being retarded.

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