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  • 작성자 사진Flament Olivier

once admit then do not acting like cheap coward wavering purposely.

최종 수정일: 2023년 6월 21일

just even for a while time pass then people all just fucking they determine truth for themselves for what they want to.

can you even fucking noticing it??

even know how you people acting like?

even for a while time flow, then fucking all of sudden just they determine truth.

"omg~~!! world is fine but he lied!! he now liar!! he must be liar!!."

fucking once realized truth then stop being cheap coward.

world not fine and never once been fine and never will be fine at all.

admit this fact.

do not cheap and weak.

just keep cut off leftist japan and do not aiding or support them.

do not even fucking listen or give them to attention.

keep cut off and cut off.

when i warning. but nothing happen. regardless just stay keep focus and keep resist and cut off leftist japan.

thing is just stopped or delayed. because me is too much accurate and they fear me.


stay clam and stay focus.

when people feel seems world little bit look like fine, then they immedietly attemtp opportunity of denying me and trying to bring down me.

what people mind is if world is in peace then they will do violence.

they only just waiting that.

so much ugly and disgusting.

just keep cut off and bring down psychopath.

do not trying to expecting trying to pick a side to psychopath and trying to get some money and fame from those disgusting psychopath pedophiles.

people already know they killed all that children.

and just even now trying to fucking denying it purposely is really disgusting.

just even for a while time flows, then they purposely determine reality for themselves what they want to.

for justfying violence and denying what they did.

all that fucking ugly lying and bullshit killing children and their sin.

admit and cut off demons.

how dare mother fuckers and psychopath trying to denying their sin.

fucking psychopath already all truth revealed but even now trying to fucking around even just for a while world seems peaceful.

then immedieatly turn into fucking ugly children murder rapist humanity killing psychopath.

great awakening. (for a while)

and people turn into retarded purposely hours later.

all that purposely intended.

just not even fucking attempt admit or repent.

just only fucking blame and denying.

and do not affected by psychopath.

they of coursely fucking should die and perish and guantanamo.

psychopath pedophiles.

they of course effort and denying.

why fucking trying to feel like listening to them.

exclude them just completely.

when world peace, then when there is chance fucking resist and defeat all other ugly stuff.

not just when thing happen then trying to facing it.

once fucking vaccinated then you already vaccianted.

but must don't even vaccinated.

that is correct.

not just fucking vaccinated and 3years later waiting until completely fucked up and blood clot occuring.

people fucking just waiting.

never resist but only when they seems fucked up.

then they resist.

but if not.

then they immedietly attempt violence and cheap porn children killinig joke.

and those illuminati demons have no joke.

they purposely delay everything trying to kill you all.

they have no joke.



they keep trying to make me liar.

and do everythinig for it.

then fucking just noticing it and admit this fact.

and keep resist and do not purposely denying it.

demons have no joke.

psychopath are already end.

can understand?

those psychopath pedophiles criminals are don't care.

they just only want kill all others as much they can.

because they are anyways have no future and no hope in any case.

then do not affected by those failed failure garbages scumbags.

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