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people abused by japanese for mind control military operation with vaccine bio weapons.

작성자 사진: Flament OlivierFlament Olivier

so japanese injecting bio weapons to people.

and baby head cut off children shoted missing kidnapping.

people dies.

japan keep abusing people like that.

then people just obey to japan desperately because fear.

do not fear.

and should think about fix thing.

if you vaccinated?

then problem is there.

then how should do.

seek information about how to solve that problem.


find and seek about vaccine issue.

and speak and share knowledge with people and talk and discussion.

between vaccinated people who damaged.

just like that.

problem is there.

find solution.

speak truth.

share knowledge.

discussion with another victims who vaccinated.

and speak.

speak truth and attack japanese and cut off japanese bullshit lying.

and seek information about what is going on??? this world??

why world trying to do something?

why pandemic happened.

why children missing kidnapping.

why people die piece by pieces.

why every companies and officials medianews goverment military acting weirdly and involve to crime?

and speak truth regardless how they talk or act.


regardless how compromised people talk differently act differently or not.

regardless to criminals and compromised fuckers.

speak truth basis on universe objectivity.

find absolute truth. and basis on that.

compare world lying with it.

and find difference. and uncover truth. and detect lying.

and speak truth.

and avoid japan fraud scam attack well.

and survive.

and attack japan.

before everyone die.


according to logic.

something happened. !! omg!!

don't panic.

it's okay.

use the logic.

omg. thing is happened. japan did.

japan want labeling.

dont' need that shit.

let's fix thing correctly according to logic.

not a fucking labeling or bullshit your feelings emotions and lying.

follow the logic.




when situation ugly then must extreamly be logical and calm down.

and beating japanese.

that is all.

thing is easy.

and everything you need to know.

read my blog.

and reference all other righteous people opinions.

and speak truth.

so. why you not fear this?

i didn't vaccinated.

so maybe leftist think that weird.

omg why you not fear ??

why you so much happy and delightful and so much strong?

there is important fact.

"i didn't vaccinated".

can understand?

people vaccinated and they acting weirdly.

you guys acting like demon possessed puppet when look at you from me.

people can't understand that.

you acting weird!!! you weird!!! you acting differently with commonsense.!!!

and you vaccinated!!!

you vaccinated.!!! you people acting weirdly but can't see that truth.

but from me.

you acting weirdly.

should remind that to people.

omg you didn't acting like that before.

omg that is not you that i knew.

you acting weirdly now.

you didn't like this shit.



before vaccine.

keep speak truth

"you acting like demons". did you know??? did you noticed ??

should tell them to truth.

and keep remind them to sanity.

they vaccinated and abused for a years by japanese.

so they are not a normal.

should remind them to they didn't before.

you didn't acting like this before!! but now you different!! you acting weirdly!!

speak this to people. they should remind themselves before pandemic and before vaccinated and abused.

조회수 4회댓글 0개

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