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  • 작성자 사진Flament Olivier

people actually don't know how to get serious when facing serious situation.

people can understand?

throw away pointless joke bullshit.

there is no joke.

humanity is dying and murdered.

and some people are just never get used to get serious.

they don't know what is serious.

they are don't know and how to they acting.

about get serious situation.

people who weak and never facing and never have any experience about dealing with sadness and depression and desperation situation.

they could been always just never get serious and don't know how to get serious and didn't even once ever been serious about their life.

so those weak and coward and stupidity.

it all at once.

so there is jerk and losers easily consume by cheap retarded bullshit and satanic brainwash psy op.

they not easily fool by demons.

they know truth but they don't know how to they should act.

just don't know how to handle emotions, impulses, and situation.

so those people but they are adult and look like people who represent situation.

but no.

there is no trend. satan leftist japan lead trend like stuff.

and weak people compromise and follow it.

but how much they are majority or not.

just shut off.

and that is of course. naturally.

most of people are not that smart. and weak and mostly have no thought.

just if anything look like some trend then they think that is real.

or they have no awareness about that weird mind.

that trying to put them selves part of system. and if they get off from it then they think they desperate and die.

even world just gives you vaccine and sick and blood clot and intimidate murder rape.

but even world do that.

but those weird poor weak people never trying to get off from that satanic system.

fee like that is "world".

and you should belong to it, and if get off from it, then screaming and crying like ADHD koala fell off from trees.

poor baby monkey that think fake clothe is it's own mother.

they never shut off this world.

even they knew they killed and raped all that children for fun.

but just endlessly trying to pretending and not admit it.

just throw away that fake brainwash about.


do not trying to be part of system.

that is point. if you accept just being part of this satanic evil world.

then you just naturally become robot puppet.

what nowadays situation, what is fundamental and ultimate fact is.

that is point.

people can't awake their soul and never trying to lay down worldly life, even while this world started vaccination and all murder and rape and intimidate and now they trying to world war and nuclear waster water, and brain chip implanting.

but people can't lay down can't get off. that mind.

world is everything and even if it is psychopath pedophiles satanist.

they think they never shouldn't fell off from it.

fucking how much you silence and shut your mouth and living in oppression and losing everything and pretending and compromise.

what is return? vacciantion and death and exploit and blood clot and murder rape joke and you should agree with it, feel like you like it,

and if you not, then you die by piece by pieces, they intimidate you,

leftist japan treat you like not even human being, they just kill and occuring every incident for themselves,

ohio chemical leak and nuclear waste on pacific ocean,

so just think about it again.

fucking how much you silence and shut your mouth and living in oppression and losing everything and pretending and compromise.

just ugly and weak and coward and miserable.

just shut off leftist japan and whatever world trying to do.

shut off weird psychopath people and loser jerk.

so what is solution is,

accept and admit and facing reality.

so how.

exclude leftist japan. their perception, their mind, their trend, their joke, their attitude, their behavior, their everything. including their existence it self.

but just feel it.

feel it, when you imagine you really shut off leftist japan.

why your mind resist about it?

just see more closerly your mind.

if you exclude that.

then only actual reality remain, that you can't handle and you don't want admit.

exactly that. just accpe that. exactly that part.

when you presume you shut off leftist japan completely.

then what is your regret and what is your sadness and desperation???


some of are actual real psychopath satanist. so they will just keep their stance for leftist japan.

but mostly are intimidated or have no thought.

think carefully and do not fool by psychopath anymore.

accept truth and emotions.

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