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people died. because japan killed.

작성자 사진: Flament OlivierFlament Olivier

최종 수정일: 2월 22일

so when think about bible.

in that story. jesus was dead.

"jesus was dead".


why dead?. naturally dead?

get killed. so that is why as consequences, jesus dead.

someone planned and labeling and false allegation and frame and intentionally killed.

jesus murdered.


so think about those "let's make it happen" issue.

that always we can see from main stream media news.

so those people. it dead?. naturally?

no. get killed. by japan.

los angeles wild fire.

wild fire.? naturally fire is happens?

no. trying to rebuild. for smart city buisenss.


can understand?.

people didn't died. with no reason.

vaccine damage. intended killing. assassination. intended heart attack. pager explode, nano particle ignite, intended missing kidnapping, intended shoted, get shoted, intended stabbing.

by japanese "let's make it happen" sabotage attack.

not just "died".

get killed.

is much more correct.

because. get killed, so that is why dead.

can understand?

not just die. get killed so died.

so when think about jesus murder case.

people not talk about it as murder case.

don't even question about it.

omg? really? jesus dead? but that means because "get killed" that is why consequently "dead". right?

just like los angele wild fire. how mysterious is that?

we don't know?~~~ wild fire!! it happened.!!!

because japan did that. japan did. what you talking about???

japan intentionally killed people. that is why people dead.

so when see the christinanity.

then we can see how "blame" moves?

blame is belong to suspect.


jesus was dead, becasue it is he trying to get earn eternal life.

hmm. so it is jesus fault?

and how believers talk like?

omg... jesus was died for my sin.

so now it is your fault?

jesus get killed then should blame suspect. why blame yourself?

blame moved on suspect from jesus from you.


because intended. suspect wanted move that blame into jesus to also people. even people who didn't anythng wrong.

but christian says,

jesus died for my sin... instead of me..

that means. feel like it is your fault.

and there is no blame about suspect. and don't even trying to.

but. obviously. suspect who killed jesus intended it.

about "blame issue". where it should belong to?

to a jesus. to a victims. and even to a people.

that is what means, people says , "jesus died because of my sin".

criminal perspective.

omg it is now your fault!! it is.. um.. it is your fault!!! it is your blame!!!!

criminal wanted that. and did intentionally inteded this.

it is feel like this.

crime happened. japan did that.

should blame japan.

japan stopped it.

through stabbing, murder rape, sabotage attack. nobel peace prize.

then crime is there. blame is there.

but japan blocking that blame.

now. where this blame should goes to?

people suddenly blame each others.

that is situation. because not accuse japan. that blame is keep goes to people to people.


just accuse japan. no one is blame.

do not fear that japanese sabotage attack and crime method.

do not fear.

blame is belong to JAPAN. correctly. exactly.


and no one is blame.

when in condition, if you blame japan.

but becuase you not blame japan. that blame naturally belong to you.

can understand?

you not blame japan. that is why you are the blame.

it happens. because "make it happens".

so then can understand that "jesus murder case" was the story of the bible.

feel like it happens just like no reason? just like los angeles wild fire.

nature did that???

fuck that shit. i mean.

"make it happne." that is why it "happens."

and should blame it. and accuse it.


people and chidlren died. why?


blame it!!! accuse it!!! seriously. hardly. massively.

beating japanese and punching their face and shoot it with gun!!!!

kill japanese!!!! blame it!!!

kill it!!! fucking up that japanese.

think about christianity people.

jesus died for my sin....

is it your fault???? you killed jesus???

you didn't anything wrong.

why you say like that?

that is criminal perspective. forced on christianity.

for criminals avoid blame. frame it to people.

then people say like that way.

feel like blame is belong to yourself.

blame. crime is happened but where the blame goes to??

not on suspect. but it frame on to people who nothing about.

that is "lying" of what christianity have serious error.

they talk like blame is belong to themselves. feel like whatever is your fault.

but criminals and actual suspect make free their allegation.

just like "japan nobel peace prize."

same method.

actual suspect make their allegation innocent.

but people blame each others. even blame themselves!!!!

so. jesus was killed. but suspect success to cover up it with using christianity. that is what christianity origins.

criminal suspect who killed jesus wanted frame that blame into others.

so christian says, "jesus died for my sin".

it is brainwash and mind control.

there is no blame about suspect. but suspect successed to nobel peace prize.

cover up.


if you want playing detective. then think about those crime let's make it happen murder case.

but anyone can know easily. japan did that.

who don't know?

in nowadays.

joe biden was treason.

vaccine was bio weapons.

japan did let's make it happen sabotage attack.

trump compromised.

bit coin is fraud but RESET.

los angeles burned for trying to rebuild it as smart city.

anyone can detecting this. easily.

and people says.

they are confusing!!

no. we fear this.

because it is crime. that we can't solve this.

we have no power to solve this crime case.

so we fear this.

we didn't confused.

but just we are miserable.

and obeying. and concern about our safety concern.

and worry and anxiety about it.

and want blame others. and wanting to sacrifice others instead of us.

but should speak up. this reality.

media news not telling you to this.

no one tell this reality but we know this.

and when break that silence and talking it with each others.

that is more better solution actually.

for not make thing getting any worse.

and for discussion and conversation about our problem with each others.

talk about truth and reality.

not worry and fear it with yourself alone.

talking it with people together.

that is better. when there is problem.

should find way with each others.

about issue.

first of all. there is vaccine damage is urgent.

what about ?

should discussion with each others.

with victims together.

but how many that victim was?

over 70% of humanity. nothing to fear about.

nothing tricky to talk about this.

and how many people died by "let's make it happen"???

everyone fear this.

then not that tricky to talk about this with each others.

omg in nowadays. japan kill people for fun!!!! how could....?!!!

im fear this. and im worry about this!!!!

share that worry and anxiety with each others.

and protect each others and help each others together.

let's dont' do "let's make it happen". let's we trust each others.

let's not trying to dedicate others for sacrifice.

let's speak up. and let's make no one die by that japanese ugly psychopath crime!!!

should say like that. conversation it with each others.

not trying to kill each others using that chance.


최근 게시물

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emergency guidance.

guidance. inform and warn about "illegal bio weapon vaccine experimental". to a people around you. and inform and warn about, organized...


situation briefieng. 2025 02 22.

current situation = "enemy occupied."









whatever rest of crime and events and accident ="it keep happens" because of your "let's make it happen" support and obey to japan.

explain. (somehow you must explain this!!!)

"don't need your cowardness."

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