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  • 작성자 사진Flament Olivier

people, your fear and your compromise is meaningless.

you don't need to fear. at all.

those psychopath insane people already killed you and everyone.

then just resist.

and speak truth straight and cut off and do not pretend to them.

it's okay. you could be die. if you resist and speak truth.

but you already killed by them.

and keep silence is more worse.

those psycho people will vaccinating you and implant to you.

and they will make money gone to digital.

you can't do anything if they achieve their goals.

and how those psycho insane brain completely fucked up people will going more worse and worse?

when they get earn power of perfect control about your everything.

see those psychopath?

you will pass over your every rights to "them". for yourself.

that is what your slience means.

what i claim is you better be not do that. and you must.

you should fight and resist with real serious.

can understand? when i trying to find.

anyone who can do sheperd??

anyone?? but actually all of you should do.

really. it serious. you must pledge death for it.

you should can lay down literally everything.

your jobs, money, reputation, life, everything.

all of you.

this is real fight with demons.

already many of people failed and sold their soul to hell demons.

cut off leftist japan clearly and completly.

do not aiding pedophiles rape children murder.

and admit.


admit me is your savior.

not you trying to bring me down first and trying to get earn salvation.

you begging and you surpass your negativity and cowardness.

and pledge your death to me.

and after that.

begging me salvation correctly.

with humble and clean mind.

not with ugly miserable fraud faking.

make your soul clean and true.

begging means not you must be miserable to me.

just fucking act normal sane with real honest.

and be with me, stand with me, follow me, entrust your life and soul to me.

after that. admit me just naturally with out any single hate or jealousy.

just accept reality.

and understand. and feel.

when i saying something.

understand and feel and admit.

what me doing and saying is nothing is you should doubt or consider you believe or not.

accept truth and admit naturally.

arrogant is problem.

they need label and blame first.

then you perish into hell.

do things naturally with true hearts.


people who those psycho murderers problem is.

before they begging salvation to me.

they trying to bring down me first.

so that's why they need all labeling and blame first.

but who think your that shitty attitude with gladly.

once you acting like that. then you fucked up.

you perish into hell.

people, don't acting like them.

that is not a correct method.

okay? learn from them.

if they acting like that.

then you don't acting like that.

and cut off those arrogant psycho murderers.

and be smart.

don't fool by those psycho trying to drag all you into hell.

act normal and sane.

with common sense.

and stand with me.



because it is objective reality.

and all rest of world just fake and lying.

admit this clearly.

arrogant is problem.

and people actually just worship and praise their own murderer.

not trying to giving up your arrogant and sin.

they reavel their true color and they purpose choose.

their choice is helping pedophiles rape murder children.

that is what their true color.

they worship demons.

so much fear and coward and actually their true color is pedophiles.

so they worship demons purposely.

it is all they acting "purposely" basis on correct understanding about truth. that vaccination killing us now and psycho pedophiles kill rape children. they know this.

and basis on that understanding.

and they choosed helping aiding worshiping those psycho pedophiles.

cut off them.

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