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작성자 사진Flament Olivier

perspective. mind set of you are greater than them.

so there is perspective issue.

talk like this. example.

false = omg obey to trump!! obey to it!! we trust trump!! and whatever trump forcing or mandate but will obey to it.

so here is good attitude example.

hmm? typical good cop and bad cop strategy. right?

so let's bring good cop then. why not??

is that your story you want to sell??

so, basically white hat , good cop have no problem.

but let's we think about, what will be purpose? of they wanting to justifying something from through this?

because anyways good cop white hat we should make then do justice.

it is because we are the who decide reality and things.

so from ourselves, we make good cop doing their job.

and let's step back from this. and we think about.

what will be they wanting to "justifying"?? through that shit they doing?

anyways we are not a concern about whatever they doing.

they doing good cop and bad cop for themselves.

and that thing is. not our concern.

but because it is funny.

let's we make good cop doing their job they should have to do.

because we know truth. and aware about "what is going on" exactly.

so, just talk about truth. and make good cop doing their job.

and let see.

"let see what they will do".


we are not in their story.

we see their story from outside of perspective.

we are equal to them.

in same position of perspective.

not trying to trapped "in their story"

we can see that "story" itself.

so illuminati doing this.

and we watching "illuminati doing this".

means, perspective.

where should put our perspective in which place??

we must should stand in same place equally with illuminati.

not under the illuminati.

not illuminati watching us in their story.

we also get off from story.

and even more.

we watching "illuminati doing this".

that perspective.

i think that is important.

so we should bring good cop for make them do their job they should have to do.

while we not trust them.

because what was issue?

on leftist.

when there was wrong. they didn't disagree.

so it is just for our own safety.

our own safety from all those agenda.

vaccine. it was dangerous.

bit coin is dangerous too.

and can't know what is his agenda will be. yet.

because democrats.

we should see the risk what opponent have.

because those AGENDA is dangerous.

so we support trump. means.

not means obey.

we make him do what he should have to do.

there is democrats. treason against to nation.

so it is not we obey to trump.

we make trump do his job he should have to do.

becaue we are the power.

not we are minions of trump.

we make him arrest democrats.

because we are the democracy.

according to by the people. for the people bullshit.

so mind set and self-esteem is important.

omg there is democrats treason crime!!

mr trump!! i ask you to arrest them right now!!!!

because i have rights to ask that to you.

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