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predictable US blackout and power shortage.

작성자 사진: Flament OlivierFlament Olivier

division 2 opening cinematic movie explain things very well. about predictable threat of US situation.

seems there is already little bit have power issue on US.

when electricity was shut down.

prepare about presume situation and consider.

i recommend secure the enough food and water.

and keep the gun.

leftist claim un-arm means, they want to kill you.

so, do backward.

AR-15 rifle could very helpful. i guess.

you should awake and well- armed and prepared.

very common and normal and compact

deterrence is meaning of make enemy fear and hesitate to attack.

so well armed civilian could prevent their second pandemic or any kind of crisis they trying to do.

and that's why those democrats purposely trying to make un-arm civilians.

well- armed civilian is have prevent but also you can well prepared. so it is nice. and necessary.

division game is very well explain when those kind of crisis come what will happen.

when see the enemy faction.

it is actual possible threat of when society fall, there is people could insane.

so it explain a lot of what kind of insanity could occur.


Beyond the organized factions roam thugs and outlaws that now rampage through the city, rioting, looting, and assaulting any who come near them. Unafraid to wound or kill, they survive by preying on the weak. They roam in packs, hunting down easy targets and lashing out at authorities when they get the chance. Volatile and dangerous, they are a constant thorn in the side of the JTF and a steady drain on resources.


A destructive criminal faction that has surfaced as a result of an organized prison break from Riker's Island. The Riker's faction fill the power vacuum left by retreating JTF and now rule like kings in a lawless land. Their first objective; enact revenge on authorities-kill everyone with a uniform, especially the JTF.

With many members from local New York gangs, their ranks quickly grew as they drew in more local followers. Their rapid growth has led to occasional in-fighting and rivalry. This, however, is kept at bay by LaRae Bennett, known as much for her ruthlessness as her ability to plan, organize, and lead Bennett's powerful leadership over her members show that the Riker's Gang is not to be trifled with.


A roaming faction, the Cleaners can appear in many districts; all agents should proceed with extra caution, especially in Cleaner-occupied territories. The faction consists of workers that were stranded from their homes once the virus hit. Trapped in the quarantine zones, they decided to take matters into their own misguided hands. Armed with flamethrowers, they travel from one area to another hoping to cleanse the city of the virus. They will burn anything they deem to be contaminated. Their terror spreads quickly like the fire they wield.


The Last Man Battalion (LMB) was hired by wealthy corporations to protect assets during the outbreak, but ultimately left behind by their employers. The LMB view the government as weak, incapable and doomed - and see themselves as the only ones who can bring order to New York City using fascist control.

The outfit was founded by Charles Bliss, a private military contractor. He has always been ambititous and always liked being in charge. He is absolutely convinced of his own correct behavior in all things. He held the LMB together by sheer force of personality when it looked like it was going to fall apart from the stresses of New York. He treats every man under his command with respect and his men are loyal to him.

when read about story behind of enemies.

it understandable. and it predictable.

problem is not only matter of food or water.

but people could insane in variety way.

already leftist appear their true color and most of them already know what is violence but they have no will to stop it purposely.

when crisis like electircity shut down or second pandemic come.

you can easily presume who is criminals and who will going to be criminals.

most of leftist will turn into actual criminals with insanity.

democrats agenda is exactly same to division game scenario.

un-arm civilian and make police weak. and everything is related to pandemic that bio weapon.

make vurnable people to when crisis like black out and second pandemic.

it all purpose is marks of beast and control.

make people compromise.

for surviving government will attempt implant ID and also that implant device is very useful like smart phone and also can buying or selling.

evereyone will just trying to accept it.

but you have ability to survive well.

you can refuse it.

but also most of all.

you can awake and prevent it.

from even before it started.

you can seek truth. and know what is purpose.

and not fooled by second pandemic stuff. and all kind of lying.

vaccinated and you are damaged.

if you sick. that is not a virus or other thing.

but it is vaccine side effect.

and recognize truth and facing truth.

if not awake. then consequence is more worse than death.

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it is global event of attack by japan emergency is in nowadays issue. that is happening now. crime and casualties and damage is there....


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