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작성자 사진Flament Olivier

professional experts opinions for economics.

one sentence summary.

what kind of fucking idiot sell gold and buy video game money???? are you douchebags??

just simply think.

you sell what "exist" and buy what "not exist."

why can't notice it?

simple fraud.

US is die. it seems obvious death.

and every nation also will die.

humanity is end.

just kill japanese. don't need to care anymore.

world is end. do not care.

and take military action.

bit coin?

is that buisness? or just oppression tyrany that you can't resist.

then just kill japanese.

not a obey to japanese and murder rape innocent people.

if you will anyways die. then kill japanese.

should think like that way.

do not using those "courage" for bothering innocent people.

but should using it for kill japanese.

anyways you guys none of you can't survive.

will die.

then kill japanese.

that will be better.

rather just kill japanese not a obey to it.

anyways it is very sad moment of nowadays.

that people die. but actually just think that is trend.

even death is trend for them.

i can't believe this humanity insanity.

there is obviously crime happen and fraud scam happened.

but no one think it is crime.

but people acting like it is trend. while they dying.

even death is trend for them.

just like bottle flip.

and there is obvious suspect of japanese criminals doing all crime right there.

but none of them not speak truth is very amazing.

feel like they living in delusional fairytale world.

while they die.

japan did attack.

then fight back.

while you dying. not just dying like pointless.

speak truth.


so what if human brain can using as computer?

this is how it started. exact point of all of these.

that technology was there.

from this.

so what satanist then think about?

using it for crypto mining. with your brain. yours.

because they using your brain for this.

they never give you profit.

when only they can get earn more from you.


if some rapist give womens to luxary and many gift.


because anyways can sell it for snuff head cut off then take back all money.

they can expecting more money from you. more than they spend.

same thing.

that is bit coin. and vaccine. all same crime.

that is why there is bit coin rise up.

your brain will do crypto mining.

never agree with it.

all trap and something evil crime.

it is about your brain.

it is all about your brain.


yours. yours brain. that they want to using.

brain of yours is can be use as good nice crypto mining device.

everyone each of you have it.

and satanist want using it.

bit coin.

smart city.

5g tower.


all explain.

technology singurality is first.

that is start point. that is first. and after that.

those all buisness come out.

and crypto mining with "brain of yours" yours.

here is important.



fucking "your"


you are the fucking subject of exploit.

not a fucking douche who can get some maybe chance to this buisenss.

you are the target.

you are the victim.

you are the whore.

you are the bitch.

you are the one who douchebags.



you are the fucking idiot byung sin death retarded.


fight against to japanese. and kill japanese.

japanese is faking you people.

speak truth and kill them!!!

so people get sick and dimensia and blood clot and cancer and mysterious immune dieasese.

and trying to blame yourself? like just bad luck?

no. you don't need to get any diease at all.


but one day. just doctor literally give you death sentence.

and you can't find any reason.

omg?.. why?... why it happens??? why me?? oh god... why give me this trial??

no. fucking idiot.

you don't need to get any sick.


all that come from vaccine fucking nano particles and brain exploit. and neural system it getting old faster more.


because they exploit it for crypto mining.

and people will blame themselves.

feel like your sickness is just your own bad luck then it is your fault??

no. it is not.

it have reason.

vaccine. and 5G tower. PCR test.

darpa hydrogel.

and crypto mining.

from you.

that of coursley consume.

it consume your brain and nueral getting faster uses.

then of coursely get any sick and die fast.

and die suddenly.

and you give them to bit coin. and you die.

you are just single use only.

single use consumable :

(figurative) A thing or person abandoned after being used only when necessary.

for crypto mining.

you actually give satanist to all your bit coin mining to them.

not you get earn shit.

no. satanist is get only their own profit. they never gives you any profit.

it literally some matrix kind of disaster.

human brain as crypto mining device exploit tools. for factory.

for crypto mining factory. = smart city. 5g tower.

so first of all.

because they hiding that tech actually exist. actually they didn't even hide it.

so anyways. vaccine was fraud scam. illegal medical experimental and foreced and mandated with disinformation and intimidate.

speak this.


and uncover truth. and keep tracking down truth.

basis on actual fact.

origin is human brain electric signal can able to read or manipulation.

that kind of tech you can seek from internet. already.

not that secret.

and can explain 5G tower and smart city and trump bit coin.

feel like "trump bit coin".

so leftist can using that strategically.


and of coursely right wing side should talk about this.

because trump said he fight against to deepstate.

but bill gate patent is there. and trump trying to do bit coin.

talk about it and doubt about it and question about it.

and seek about it.

and ask justice about it.

keep speak truth. people!!

people. say like this.

so there is nueral link.

then omg?? what is that? what is "about"???

is that can human brain connected with computer and can read or transmit data with each others

in between human brain and another device??? is it possible??

if there is "tech" is there.

then maybe it could be apply on crime purpose?? maybe???

for example....

crypto mining???

feel like.. somehow.????? trump bit coin?!!!!!!

and somehow smart city????!!!

maybe somehow??? 5G tower?!!!

vaccine!!?!! bill gate patent 060606??!!! maybe ???!!!

PCR test?? darpa hydrogel???!!!! what is that???

is that have any relate???

maybe?? i don't know!!! how i know??!!!

is that possible???

just question and doubt it.

speak it.

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what humanity really need?

people keep speak up. insane garbage japanese did all that insane genocide and rape children. and mocking victims death. should...


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