so if you watching movie.
you sitting on there with pop corn.
spend nice time and comfort.
but what you watching is actually serious chaos and massive threat.
you join to that situation as a "spectator position."
so you feel seperation from chaos and your reality.
those two world is not share in same dimension.
one side is telelvision.
and another side is reality.
so "bad thing" is happen in television.
and keep repeat this behave over again. in your life.
and when thing is happen in real life.
same scenario happen. to movie that you saw before.
and typical cliche you already know. "i know that is fiction."
you keep feel same way.
you think and feel.
you are in sitting on sofa with pop corn.
and you are the just spectator.
and movie is just fiction.
every bad thing is only in television.
you get used to it.
and feel keep safe and comfort.
can't react properly. when actual emergency happened.