new XBB 1.5 variant appeared
suddenly they attempt new covid lying.
predictable thing
they attempt second pandemic already??
they presume vaccinated people side effect could can't stop with lying anymore
so, this XBB thing. anyways they attempt lying again.
don't get vaccinated. if you are sick? then that is vaccine you injected before, don't confuse with lying another variant thing.
what media wants is people should keep trapped in pandemic fear and lying.
if you are sick then blame virus but never blame or doubt vaccine.
but if you are sick. then what is reason?
the vaccine that you injected last time.
can you remember?
brazil protest rise
civil awareness is different. brazil really impressive and last hope.
many nation just obey to fraud lying, joe biden shocked with this. absoultely why not.
he is same method fraud elected criminals like lula himself.
lula = joe biden.
and if brazil can't find their rights then all other world will just living in fraud election.
if once it works, then it spread.
korea fraud election. that works, then ? america fraud election happened.
then? brazil lula following.
and now it stopped!!!
earth quake detected but it is war
that point is almost north korea (NLL= Northern Limit Line) and
it seems Artillery trying to attack seoul
and seems our military strike them and seems win
relief for now.
when saw the far away perspective
world started going right way!!!
and there is evil resist
evil not trying to giving up!! but situation still seems positive
keep awake and don't panic and don't easily frauded by filthy ugly lying.
don't be weak and easily retarded.
you can be strong.