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  • 작성자 사진Flament Olivier

relationship between demon inside you.

many of people just consumed by their inner demons.

don't have ability to control it, but just helplessly demons take your souls.

so we should learn how to deal with your demons, very first.

but education or scienece never telling you how to.

human mind is very complex and science telling it is just electiric sginal.

anyways there is no way to explain. so should use parable, and simplify it.

there is you and there is beast in your mind.

you trapped in beast and your self alone.

you should learn how to living with that creature of demons.

imagine like tiger or chimps.

you and beast just in same place. it is very high stake situation.

but you shouldn't fear it.

you are encountering beast that out of control and very primitive.

but first. you should calm first. that is very correct and agree?

because if you freak out or yelling and that make chaos

and those beast freak out. those beasts are just idiot and violenceful.

and there is weapon you not lay down. in your hand.

you so much fear. so you can't let go that weapon.

you think that weapon is your everything for protecting yourself.

so you know that weapon could hurting others.

but you not trying to giving up that.

your hate and jealousy. violence. murder mind.

how to make calm your demons is,

point is just same like i wrote before.

you should throw away your murder will. that trying to kill others.

for myself,

i was born, and i live life, but world telling me.

"you should kill others for your own survive."

and demons inside me, yelling at me.

you should kill others!! with hate and jealousy!!!

but i couldn't.

i was just throw away my sword and spear.

demons telling me.

"what you doing???? take up your weapon!!! your hate and jealousy!!!"

i said,

"no, that's not me. i don't fit to that"

that feel like William Shakespeare in battle field and Hercules in library.

i was thought. me is me.

that is not my way.

trying to kill others and struggle for trying to protect my pathetic sorry life.?

so i gently asked to my demons.

"i won't"

after then, demons just saying nothing and still keep following around me.

but it could be not a stress or pressure but you can be friend with your demons.

once you can learn to how to control your negativity.

then demons will be your friend.

people have friend. but actually you don't have any real friends.

can felt that lonely awful feelings?

do you have any friends? and they are real?

are you sure??

no one can answer it.

there is no trust. but why that happen.

because people are not friend with their own demons at first place.

so you think someone is your friend.

but you sure opponent will not betray you?

or. you sure also you not betray opponent?

because, you may think friend with him.

but seems his demons are not think you friend.??

also your demons are seems not think friend with opponent.

also you and your demons is not think friend each other.

so there is no friend at first place.

can you trust opponent? but can you trust opponent's demon too?

that is different matter.

that's why emptiness come from.

even how much you trying to being social.

there is no one is your friend.

so, control your own negativity. and care about relationship between you and your demons. first.

then rest part also will be better.

it just simply for how to living better life.

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