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  • 작성자 사진Flament Olivier


people you can invove about ecnomic collpase issue with out experts knowledge.

what we need to know is

great reset, unelected power control, joe biden money laundry of zelensky urkaine war, agenda 2030, CBDC digital currency.

and reference zimbabwe situation.

then you don't need to resist like you need some chart and graphes and statics.

feel like you can't resist? because you are not an experts?

you can talk about just elites tyrany and oppression control.

why they have plan their owns, why commons should went through intended and planned pandemic and war and ecnomical collapse??

claim that part.

not a ecnomical part. but it is you can resist about economic collapse.

just when you lay down weird awareness.

that leftist always too much obssessive about "you are not an experts!!"

that also they apply that to themselves.

when you yelling at to others. that immedietly become your own trap.

all karma return.

you can resist and you can involve about world crisis.

when illuminati they gives you issue.

people argue each others about that issue.

but we must talk about them.

why they occuring issue purposely? and why they make people argue and fight each others.

issue not itself is not important.

but who manipulated it. who occuring it. who intend something.

what is purpose.

gun control??

then everything is clear.

they want gun control. then we don't.

omg~ you must fear gun~~~ gun is scary~~~

that is what they want to ask you to that?

some demons, want to you. think like that. and feel like that.

but if we know demons doing that purposely.

then we talk about demons doing that.

hey. why you trying intend that to people??

what is your purpose? and we will not agree with your control.

people you all already know what is vaccination.

but now they trying to messing around with your "money."

speak truth and resist. prevent it.

your money is not just your money.

that is all your life and struggle.

you people just being evil and ugly for it.

but when they threatning your money and denying your money.

you do nothing???


and CBDC and marks of beast.

then not only money.

what they will trying to messing around is.

your all free will and your motive, emotions, behavior, choices,

all of your rights. all your life and death.


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