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  • 작성자 사진Flament Olivier

resist is just talk about real democracy.

our mind is very sensitive and fragile.

so many people freaking out about nowadays situation.

but should know. admit.

we are very sensitive and fragile.

how much you trying to being cool. but it not going work that way well.

life is hard. you know. not that working. not goes that way not like well.

maybe that is just your wish.

being cool. like you are steady and stand strong.

im a rock! rock don't move!!

you wish that.

but not things goes that way like well.

actually very sensitive and fragile.

so people have many pressure about resist.

it feel like you should be some kind of rebelion mode. you know.

like revolutionary some warrior.

people too much think things extream way.

because there is fear.

then you hesitate and can't resist.

and also demons will labeling you like anarchist.

but resist is essentially, it just our awareness.

feel like democracy. before pandemic, before joe biden and democrats.

once people too much get used to democracy. then it courrupt.

of course. naturally.

so we should fix it.

if car broken then check many parts and think about what is problem.

we trying to solve that like that.

crisis happen then you do things more better, with calm and reasonable.

so also this situation is same.

fraud election happned, and they are psycho pedophiles human trafficking and hillary clinton cut off face skin from people.

vaccination started. all bullshit just occuring now.

it kind of .. serious.

so this is very freaking out with fear.

but i think democracy is more powerful than those demons.

when we talk about right thing for us.

when we just share our awareness correctly.

and we discuss each others. trying to solve and fix issue.

by the people.

not pick a side to politicians or international organization.

but just do thing that for ourselves and eachothers.

we can help each others.

that was, democracy.

that was, but now it corrupted.

omg!! this old televison is broken!! this old machine is corrupted!!! just like democracy!!!.

then what we should do?. just find way how to fix it.

if your toaster not working properly. then you know. it corrupted. like fucking democracy!!!

resist is just anyone can speak truth. like democracy before, it corrupted by democrats.

awareness is important.

there is demons.

you should admit it.

it is not we should shirnk about.

we should resist and fight against.

we should get mad and we should make our faith strong.

it is we can find our own path clearly.

omg that is religous and that is not science.


it is not even religous anymore.

there is.

and where is angels?

you people. there is righteous.

you will do that.

you can do that.

and that is actually who you are.

when you resist.

when you not being puppet for them.

that is angels you can find.

there is some kind of illuminati demons is out there.

and they doing all bullshit now.

and resist is just democracy.

you know.

just talk about our life.

there is vaccination. and it make sick people.

it is problem. there is fraud election joe biden.

must bring down, and overwatch republicans doing well or not.

seek truth and speak truth.

discuss with people. like just talk about naturally.

not someone decide labeling.

that is conspriocy theory? who said that?

where you heard from that?

those demons illuminati pedophiles says like that?

then that is what you believe??

media told you like that? some leftist japan clown told you like that?

then you fucking believe, "that"??

it is comedy.

just cut off and shut off fucking bullshit.

and be naturall.

government mandates psycho vaccine.

media run by illuminati money.

why that is uncomfortable to speak and discuss?


because you people know exactly who will kill you piece by pieces when you talk about that and discuss about that you each others.


it makes you uncomfortable to speak.


because media and hired leftist japan clown threatning you every fucking day.

rape women and children and murder by piece by pieces.

and all death incident is feel like relate to word twisting.

they doing that shit just constantly like fucking broken robot and insane clown who didn't get paid their daily bread.

that's why it so much uncomfortable to speak.

vaccine. that damaged you. and you are sick.

can't even saying that. just discuss with people.

regardless how jerks clowns doing their daily job for murder.

anyways they trying to injecting psycho vaccine.

so just, not too much extream way.

but comfortable.

just, why not? just not?

vaccine? no. im smart.

i don't do that.

media lying. who don't know that?

illuminati? who don't know those thing exist?

there is you can see every symbol they using just everywhere?

some eyeball . 666, pyramid, saturn myth, shit is everywhere.

we really don't know? and not sure about demons or evil or angels or god?

i think it is not even religous anymore.

after they started vaccination.

when religous was just religous.

but not even religous anymore. it is just real.

just right there.

some satanist pedophiles rape children and kill children.

and they just doing all effort for vaccination nano tech right there.

just right there.

there is demons so much clealy doing their shit.

we can see them.

and where is heaven and angeles and god???

just me first!

im labeled most from the those evil demons.

who demons 100% guranteed by NASA science.

where is direction??

do they forcing nano tech for desperately?? and CBDC??

then where we should go?

you reall don't know? we really don't know? what we should do?

and we really confuse about where is god??

but demons spend their trillion of money for their own path.

then our path is also trillion of correct.

if you can't believe god because you are not sure.

then you can trust , 100% evil demons trillion of money of their effort for their own path.

then opposite is have same value.

you still not sure?

it is science. NASA verified.

fucking NASA..

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