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  • 작성자 사진Flament Olivier

same fucking ugly lying and repeat pointless pretending.

people who agree with leftist japan is not don't know.

they purposely and intentionally doing that.

they know children die but they know and they agree with them.

trying to get earn profit.

it is not something people don't know what is truth.

they know and because they know they agree with them.

trying to kill some children and trying to get some money.

that is what people who agree with leftist japan.

it is not they disinformed or fooled or don't know.

they know and they kill children becasue they want.

for money and fun game.

and many employees media news and google and youtube.

those people also they aiding support kill rape children purposely.

for money and they also know they die and murder by leftist japan.

if they not follow instructions.

and everyone knows you will die if you resist.

but didn't resist also die.

already bio weapon injected.

then resist.

and there is more worse what they will doing more.

just endless. endlessly killing and oppressing and intimidate you people.

and do not being coward.

it's okay.

their intimidate and threatning have no point.

they killing you arleady.

so compromise or pick a side it's okay to you don't have to.

then only resist remain.

then resist.

but problem is, why people not resist is they are same.

they are same pedophiles satanists kill people and children for fun.

that is problem.

they are not "don't know".

knowing very well. how they should acting, and pretending, about their behavior and attitude.

their insticnt know they must praise murder and rape for appealing them selves to satanists.

they know it very well.

for money and fame and sex and violence and killing children.

they know it very well. who should they pick a side.

and they trying to lying and faking.

while everone know what is your true color.

so pretending is also have no point.

your pretending.

just fucking no one fool. everyone know you killing children for fun.

that just not a fucking you can hiding and covering.

already know. and people agree with leftist japan. that is just a comedy.

just no one know why fucking pretending.

already saw how many children just murdered by them?

already went thorugh all that vaccination and zelensky money laundry.

all bullshit and crime. that exact crime is what you aiding and support for money.

and everyone know.

only matter is intimidate and piece by piceses.

and leftist japan attacking you and that bothering.

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