how to know actual reality?
that is lack of kindness so that's why there is no objectivity.
kindness is one of factor of how can see reality correctly.
but normally most of people are lacked of it.
that all brainwash and psy op while we living life.
world itself is always in brainwash.
so lacking kindness = losing objectivity = increase chance of can't recognize what is real or not = vaccination.
it really is.
it almost science.
not trying to saying heartwarming.
lack of kindness and goodness righteousness.
that lacking objectivity about reality.
then you can't recognize what is real or not.
how much you smart and have knowledge and high IQ.
not important.
if you lacking kind and righteousness.
then you are not objective, then you are nothing.
it really is, it maybe ultimate secret of this humanity and earth.
maybe me is discover it first time in human history. lol.
evil using your own negativity, and typically they using trying to selling sex rape murder money fame.
these kind of something your own negativity likes.
but, of course.
easy. just like old fairy tales.
who don't know? that is evil and ruin your life and take your soul into hell?
but you people purposely choose hell and trying to kill all others for fun.
so if kindness and righteous, then you can easily know what fraud and evil demons trying to doing.