not only tessa violet imposter traitor of nation.
there is many of association like tessa violet boy friend adam melchor.
and many leftist political groups that actually imposter of satanism.
who did genocide on people and kill people with lying fake distraction and faking.
people get shoted and stabbed by japanese aiba aina in japan, satanist scenario writer, and tessa violet and her boy friend adam melchor. and many association.
those are psychopath serial killers. who mentally illed and mentally unstable delusional murderer who believe satanic worship cult and japanese military asset.
not a normal people.
in among us. some of are not a real people.
those people are imposters who perform their satanic military operation in between people from people.
not there is criminals exist with official organization.
not only that. but in this war.
who was in front line? was imposters in between people and from the people.
it is not a normal people.
it is spy agent from satanist cult demon beast worship and baby killing cult people.
that not a normal people.
becareful those satanist imposters.
that they could target you and abusing you and consequently kill you.
warn this to people and check about who agree with japanese let's make it happen.
i always said that.
should check about who is agree with japanese.
that is fatal information. it is military information.
it is "treason against nation" crime.
and war attack on civlian and children.
every goverment and media news must declare a state of war and need official investigation and trial for this crime.
i don't joke.
i said this clearly.
a state of war has been existed. and people who did let's make it happen psy op attack is.
crime that consider as "treason against to nation".
in court.
not blame from people.
im not saying people should blame them.
what i saying is.
ask official investigation about a state of war attack by japan through official trial.
that is what i talking about.
it is not matter of blame issue. who's fault. and blame.
i said. there is crime.
it is murder case.
and global children sex trafficking crime.
it must officially accuse through law.
and should arreset them and should excute them with death sentence.
*"crime against to humanity" including rape children and killing infant.*
here is accuse.
speak this.
i logically think about this issue.
so let's talk this honestly.
so recently UFO is appeared. mysterious drone.
and there was many attempt about hurricane or wild fire.
and second pandemic. or many attempts may north korea hit US.
so when in situation of,
any incident, regardless of location, that result in extraordinary levels of mass casualties , damage, or disruption severely affecting the US population, infrastructure, environment, economy, or goverment function.
will you kill me?
if that happens. when that circumstance happens.
then will you kill me?
should ask this to people each others.
will you rape my children?
if only there is circumstances???
should check about "trust".
with each others.
it is real trust.
fox rabbit chicken pizza hot dog?
so if. there is recently UFO is there.
so if those chaos happen. then.
how i can trust you?
can i ask you? i want to trust you.
do not agree with japanese satanism.