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should consider zelensky as war criminals. and JAPANESE compare method problem.

작성자 사진: Flament OlivierFlament Olivier

awareness correction.

zelensky is war criminals.

so as we according to fact, we should treat him as official war criminals.

as japanese same like.

not a national hero baseball star otani ishiro like false mind control image about those criminals.

should correctly have awareness.

about those are "criminals". and foreign enemy.

so we should treat them as criminals and enemy. correctly.


it is precede.

not there is argue and talk and convsersation with them.

opponent is criminals.

we don't argue and conversation with those epstein diddy pedophiles japanese israel and ukraine zelensky joe biden fuckers.

at all.

it is criminals.

not it is opponent we should argue or opposite against with politically.

we don't politically have conflict.

it is not diplomatic, political conflict.

opponent, who zelensky and japan and israel is criminals.

not politically conflict with each others.

crime happened. they did attack and killing people.

war attack happened.

it is not conflict.

criminals did crime to people.

and it is not arguement.

it is should accuse it.

the criminals. is not about argue.

it is should be accuse it.

it is not political conflict.

opponent is criminals.

and should accuse it.

there is no argue.

we must ask arrest criminals and excute criminals.

not argue with them.

omg it did crime!! must kill it!!

that is all.

but not there is. omg we should argue with those criminals.

we must listen to crminals opinions too!!


opponent is criminals!!! and that should accuse it.

do accuse it.

speak it.

who think you will argue with epstein??

joe biden is treason.

why argue with them?

japanese crime.

zelensky crime.

that was what was about main issue.

vaccine, pandemic, global events of attack. sabotage attack.

media news disinformation.




global children sex trafficking.

fraud election.

that is issue.

should arrest zelensky as criminals.

also joe biden.

also japanese war crime.

also fauci.

so why januray 6 is pardon.

but why shouldn't pardon fauci.?

of coursely it is different.

you are the criminals.

and others is not.

shouldn't apply your situation into others.

that always same method is there.

double way of methods.

both way deilima kind of stuff .

feel like south korea president arrested.

omg it shouldn't!

then trying to apply it to joe biden?

should arrest joe biden. regardless.

both case is different situation. nothing is interprettion.

tik tok is ban out?

then arrest tessa violet.

who care. tik tok ban out or not. or not ban out then not arrest tessa violet?

nothing is about apply .

that all japanese method.

feel like if you admit "this" then you must admit "that" too.


those two different events is indepently exist with different with each others.

nothing is same. nothing.

tik tok ban out or not.

go arrest tessa violet criminals.

that is that. this is this.

but always same method.

feel like "that" is "this"

"this" is "that".

they using that method.

trying to indirectly metaphor.

bullshit interpretation.

so did japanese accused officially?

did zleensky arrested?

did netanyhau arrested or not?

only talk about actual issue not a bullshit.

should only talk about actual.

hey. arrest joe biden!!

omg!! just in!! south korea president arrested and detained!!

then what?

i talk about "joe biden" is must be who arrested.

not a metaphor and dilema you want to .

i don't need that.

omg tik tok is ban out!!

so then arrest tessa violet!!

omg now it is not!!

so then arrest tessa violet.

regardless tik tok or shit.

so people do not fool by those method.

nothing is same. every case exist with independantly itself.

and what focus is.

they are criminals.

crime happened.

criminals did crime.

should accuse it.

and other "metaphor accident" is not a concern actually.

but they bothering additionally more people to just attacking.

so it is

trump did pardon jan 6

joe biden did pardon fauci.

is that have argue?

trump did right thing.

and joe biden is not.

that is all.

there is no in between fucking any relation between those of case.


this case is this case.

that case is that case.

different each others.

but why is it even be the dilema?



get the fuck off.

criminals did crime.

and that criminals is "you" only about you.

not anyone else. but just your.


and you want defending and protecting your crime.

using those method?

i know what you trying to doing.

and i don't need that.

your opinions. don't need.

tik tok is ban out. and not ban out.

that is tik tok problem.

but what about criminal tessa violet?

arrest it or not?

should accuse it.

both case is different. with each others.

tik tok is not represent tessa violet.

tessa violet not represent tik tok.

tik tok is tiktok.

tessa violet is tessa violet criminals.

so let's talk about actual issue.

so people appealing this.

"i know what you trying to want to do but i don't need that".

"regardless that. but let's talk about "this".


there is always mirroring case exist.

typical method. that when criminals want to defending themselves.

so president yoon arrested and detained.

omg it is against constitution~~

then trying to apply it to joe biden.

i know. and that don't need.

not same.

why even do that ??

nothing is about.

just should arrest joe biden. and of coursely not arrest president yoon.

and pardon jan 6 and not pardon fauci.

and tik tok whatever just arrest tessa violet.

and should accuse japanese method and control.


basis on logic.

not basis on criminal perspective.


have logically very correct.

so. kill japanese zelensky tessa violet joe biden netanyahu globalist fauci democrats and associations.

is just logically have no problem.

and i don't need.

any metaphor method. that don't need.

not argue.

crime happened.

criminals did that.

accuse it.

no another opinions.

so japanese want compare whatever thing.

trying to keep do that method.

there is completely different situation.

and they compare it with their own crime.


your crime is just crime that you should die.

that is all.

do not fucking "attempt justifying".

don't do crime of "justifying crime".

you should die.

and there is no argue.

you are wrong.

admit it.

do not attempt justifying your crime.

admit your crime and die.

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