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  • 작성자 사진Flament Olivier

si pal psychopath shitty retarded killing everyone but people just pretending.

leftist japan those psychopath shitting around all around world and nation and people.

killing and occuring all incident and bothering people and intimidate and threatning people and spreading hate and jealousy and bullshit.

all fucking psychopath psy op garbages.

they just interpretation manipulation freaking out forthemselves and being jerk.

but that all for distracting people. trying to kill all of you.

people can't resist and can't even saying anything.

you know immedietly they attacking and cheap word twisting labeling joke shitty douche retarded level that nobody fool.

but they kill people and children and baby.

so people shrink with fear.

so just do resist and speak and claim.

defeat them. when fucking psychopath shitting.

not just pretending and trying to expecting bullshit.

just shut off it.

said that from beginning. just most correct and fundamental.

just naturally.

why care???? shut off them. then shut off them.


people you did aiding supported those psychopath for killing people and children.

you did.

blame yourself. and admit.

and resist and fix thing. for those all lost lives and damaged people.

feel responsiblity that you people clapping at to them. you people pretending to them.

you people agree with them.

and they killed all people and children.

do resist.

si pal don't even trying to complaining.

just admit and awake quick and fast.

do not waiting or wasting time.

shut off leftist japan and ban and cancel and attack and don't even gives a shit to them ever again.

exclude them.

speak and claim your side first.

that is democracy and that is what make this world better.

but how it going worse??

because you people just follow anything look like trend and do nothing and listening instructions from psychopath.

and that is exactly why also same reason to you people vaccinated.

went through all that bullshit once.

even over 3 years just fucking never admit single truth

and same repeat same thing over a over again.

but should stop.

it go to all bullshit that brain chip implant and all genocide rat experimental that all creepy psychopath stuff.

just admit.

world is situation not good.

world is not a fine and not a sane at all.

psychopath killing us now.

all method is same.

just read all blog again.

you can understand.

what is same. all same to vaccine.

trend. look like profit and social pretending.

leftist japan bullshit but just laughing like fucking idiot.

for pretending and care about profit.

fear about just being social like fucking douche.

and psychopath mandate and intimidate your job and money.

all you know it. but can't saying anything with fear.

and just keep pretending.

and it going worse and worse they tyranny and crazy and insane.

and people just never resist.

do resist.

shut off fucking things.

and stop pretending.

don't need.

how vaccination to over 70% of humanity is can possible.

how fucking psychopath leftist japan cheap bullshit level of lying is works???

why. how many died and damaged.

and it same reason and same method.

if you people keep acting like that.

world war 3 can possible with same fucking reason.

brain chip implant and second pandemic again repeat same bullshit.

all creepy fucking bullshit happen with exactly fucking same reason and same method repeating.

admit and awake.

do not pretending.

beware anything trend.

but what is trend.

means, something you should have to pretending.


do not pretend = trend not works = whatever satan demons doing can prevent.

when i saying this serious truth and wisdom.

fucking listen.

really. it is just real fundamental.

listen. and understand it.

how we can prevent vaccine. and leftist japan killing children and all people.

how we can stop nuclear waste and world war.

throw away your fucking pretending.

and it worth.

you can prevent every evil stuff.

what if you could been not get vaccinated at first place?

that is point. that is what is worth.

if you not pretending if you can stop world war 3 and many other vaccination - like genocide???

you can't even fucking buying that with money or can't even price it.

that worth. fucking money can't do that.

but just fucking stop your pretending and speak and claim then can do that.

profit? money? sex? violence?

that all just ruin this world and make killing people.

something real worth is what im saying.

speak and claim.

do resist.

shut off leftist japan.

exclude them.

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