so important announcement.
so. it is global emergency. that massive scale of , almost end of world situation.
maybe that too much pressure. i know.
can't believe this. and didn't expected. and didn't ready for this.
but situation is too much massive.
and maybe want to believe just this world is nice place.
but. so i want to say.
actually it is okay to not worry about your job or money or fame anymore.
worldly life. if it is bothering about that keep your faith in common sense.
then actually should considering about cut off this "worldly life" itself.
even. even should went that far level of decision.
if you have job. you want to keep stay in that wordly life you living.
but vaccine is mandated. or japanese instruction came down or should chip implant or those thing happen.
so when those moment.
many people want just compromise. i know.
becuase this "world" is so much important to your life.
there is your job. and money and relationship is up to it.
so can't easily lay down that.
i know.
but. that is why. you can also know. how this situation is emergency of almost end of world situation. that every humanity could die.
and. that too much sad and desperate. and don't want to giving up your wordly life,
job. and money. relationship. fame. those kind of thing.
but. you know. world is going end.
nothing to expecting from this world anymore.
you shouldn't trying to expecting it.
and i want to say like this.
somehow. you don't need to feel pressure from it anymore.
you are free.
you don't need to struggle for those thing any more.
job. money. fame. wild hot sex. trendy. success.
that is over.
this reality. of coursely don't want to accept it.
many people think like that.
so want to choose remain in silent about crime even if know.
even if know that is demons way.
even if you know that is bio weapons. but you injecting it for kill yourself.
even know it.
even if you know japanese is children rape baby eating psychopath.
but you obey.
and. that is really demonic way. how japan slaughter you.
it cruel.
true evil that we ever facing before.
so that is why people feel like that way.
didn't expected this and didn't even ever been before never thought about this.
about "world ends" . and "humanity death". kind of emergency.
so it gives people to many pressure and stress.
so. for myself. personally.
i kind of... accep this situation naturally.
i just let my emotions accept this. i know it is very dark and gloomy.
that can't handle this.
but trying to effort. let my emotion just naturally accept this even if world end level of situation.
and i trying to focus on much more important thing to me.
i think that is best. and what is important is how i feel.
and i want to keep my faith in common sense.
so. if you want to compromise.
actually there is no advice. if honest.
if you want compromise?.
um... i don't know. if i don't lie.
what you want?
you want me lie to you? about that?
when you comrpomised.
but. even if i say. you will not believe me.
omg! i don't want hear you!! that is not i wanted listening to!!
so there is no point. atually. don't need to argue.
but if say honest.
"you will die but very cruelly and that you ever can imagine with suffering hell death of demons"
in fact. if not lying.
if. "not-lying" if you want 100% truth.
there is nothing to say about. what you trying to expecting?
from baby eating psychopath??
in logical.
nothing to say.
what i can advice is.
don't need to stress.
it's okay to you not obessive about those, worldly stuff.
job. and money. and fame. and hot sex. trendy. being fascinating.
that is over. and it's okay.
don't need to do that anymore.
it's okay. don't need to obessive to that.
situation is not good. when in emergency who care about those thing?
but should focus on much more important thing first.
i think like that. it is global event of attack situation war attack situation.
then actually job or money or fame those trendy or those thing is not a priority and not a concern.
see the situation.
people keep die everyday. children raped.
baby killed. goverment is occupied.
can't trust anyone. military is occupied.
in that situation.
who worry about fucking job and money and fame and trendy???
be realistic.
so concern about your safety first.
about surviving.
how to not get vaccinate.
how to not chip implnated
those thing worry first.
becuase it is emergency. that japanese slaughtering people.
how many died?
while in those situation we can't expecting worldly life. of coursely.
but should focus on surviving focus first.
when situation is like this.
so those decision will be tough.
it is never easy i know.
in betwen vaccine, or chip implant, or bit coin.
in between those of mandate evil AGENDA and between own surviving issue.
but there is job and relationship and fame and trend you want to keep and want to not losing it.
but those mandate and forcing evil crime is keep come after and after.
it really makes people insane and stressful.
so rather decide clearly about those worry and threat.
that will be better.
make yourself keep in circumstance of "don't need to worry about those" circumstances.
but do not make your own circumstance like dangerous.
for example.
you keep your job but that job mandate to you vaccine or chip implant or those threat.
but if you trying to keep stay in that pretending relationship or mandate forcing circumstance.
that makes you dangerous. that is what makes you can't get off from that.
then just vaccianted. and chip implanted. and that is how slaughtered. by demons.
so considering those issue.
and find best solution according to every each of circumstances.
but if advice in honest and realistic.
"not get vaccinate" "not get chip implant" is first.
for this. then should lay down every other obssession.
i think that is best.
because once you step on that trap?
demons just take your soul away.
in that way. just in that way directly go into death hell.
once step on it. and then die.
so becareful those demons trap.
it always same. easy to know.
check about JAPANESE method.
word joke. or jerk attutide. or fox rabbit chicken is there?
or something tessa violet kind of style of stuff.
check about those.
and avoid those threat well.