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작성자 사진Flament Olivier

slightly admit partial truth and return again. over again.

omg vaccine is bad!!! and just pull back and never attack japan.

omg sex trafficking!!! and just pull back and never attack japan.

omg israel evil jewish!! and just pull back and never attack japan.

this pointless bullshit is keep repeating.

just attack japan then there is every crime all at once.!!!

attack japan including every rest of crime.

can understand?

leftist cowardness is so much disgusting.

they partially trying to admit truth.

just attack japan.

then they admit about big pharma or vaccine little bit.

then don't want go to fraud election or sex trafficking or war and pandemic.

they acting like that.

just step little bit on truth. and immedietly pull back. and fear and shrink.

and beating them. then they trying to only particially trying to admit fact and run again.

just fucking attack japanese that fucking head of crime.

not trying to being coward.

stop that coward.

vaccine. and every rest of crime. fraud election. democrats. diddy children sex trafficking. and rest of celebrities invovled it.

keep speak truth.

and it anyways japan doing this all after all.

then do not trying to denying it.

because fear.

they keep missing kidnapping children. and rape and murder it.

that is why people exactly never trying to attempt fight against to japanese.

because they did that all.

and now they attacking florida with hurricane.

because people keep believe japanese bullshit lying and acting cowardly.

speak truth and directly attack japanese.

kill them and murder them.

before everyone die.

people dying now. with vaccine bio weapons and war and pandemic.

and crime happen everyday.

attack japanese!!!

there is not another bad guy seperately exist.

all of them is japanese team. their minions.

not trying to effort for not blame japanese.

blame japanese correctly.

always saying over again.

japan is right there.

who did all that crime.

they doing this.

just say "omg they doing this".

not a.

omg?!! someone died?? in zion park??? who did that??? omg??!!!!

just saying.

japan doing this!!!

japan did killed people!! attacked court and bank and children and baby !!!


japan did it!!! japan did!! i know japan did. who don't know??

anyone fucking confused??

if we say japan did that crime then japanese stabbing you???


we seems all know same fact fuckers??? did we confused???

say this fucking shit 100% honest truth 100% truth right there.

what is problem???

what is problem???


japanese did that all crime murder rape piece by pieces missing kidnapping and hurricane and war and pandemic and vaccine .


so exactly say that.

omg!! japan did it but if we say this then we could die with missing kidnapping and shoted and cooked and stabbing murder rape and hurricane!!!!

wow!!! i fear this!! so i can't say this!! im trappend in that situation that i can't speak this because fear it!!

seems i fear it!!!!

so i will not say this!!! because i don't want die!!!! because japanese

exactly japanese. that is japanese. exactly. 100% japanese everyone know this.

so i dont' want say it!!

i will not say this!! you kno!! because japanese kill me~~~!!!!

say this fucking shit exactly.

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