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  • 작성자 사진Flament Olivier

so much obvious and of course thing.

japan control everything. of coursely they always win. why not.

they kill all humanity. they control and manipulation everything.

and world pick a side or media news gibberish have no meaning.

all japan control for their own justfying.

they kill all humanity.

shut off leftist japan.

and of coursely many people and power and world pick a side to japan.

becaue they control everything and they kill everyone.

intimidate and threatning.

important thing is ourselves.

since vaccination started, world agreed with it and started killing humanity.

there is no pick a side or comrpomise.

people should resist.

there is no win or lose or joke.

japan want you people think everything is joke.

and you should have to. becaue if you get serious and speak truth then japan will kill you piece by pieces.

that is what actua reality of situation.

read my blog again until you can understand.

but anyone still confuse?

it is not confuse.

it is your fear and compromise.

but do not compromise easily.

just resist and defeat them.

speak truth even with simple word.

and just cut off them.

cut off them and exclude them then everything is easy.

talk about vaccine scam and joe biden treason, media disinformation, leftist japan distraction and their all crime, manipulation.

they will going more worse and worse.

do not pretending and do not agree with them.

it is psychopath. they will kill you all.

psychopath satanist quite very ugly.

creepy and disgusting.

it is different. almost same to asperger and mental disorder.

their insanity affect to you.

so cut off them is most important.

throw away their perception, their mind, their thought, everything.

my warning is real.

leftist japan do mind control and psy op.

trying to make you everything is just a joke.

while humanity all dying.

that is what fraud scam. and satanic psy op.

that you shouldn't even just agree with them for joke or lightly.

cut off them seriously. they consume you and kill everyone.

speak truth and recognize reality correctly.

people are so naive and vulnerable.

so almost everyone and this world pick a side to japan.

but they want to think they are cool and win.

beware all that psy op.

humanity is entered end of history since vaccination started.

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