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작성자 사진Flament Olivier

some fog and mist chemical attack.


today.. serious level of werid fog and mist detected. entire region in south korea.

and people talk about it is something.. poison and hurt.

people talk like...

"The fog today is unusual, be careful"

"Didn't you feel anything strange?"

"I smell medicine in the fog"

"I've never seen a fog like this in my life"

"this is not a fog"

yes. literally it fucking hurting me and people.

many people talk about it feel like something chemical something.

fuck this shit... seriously...

im also feel sick now

some tired and exhaust feeling more than any other days.

and this fog ...

they trying to attempt something?

warlord too much ugly resist.

just give up and you know.. shut the fuck up just...

i don't know what you want. it will nothing. just stop all these thing.

pull yourself together and just starting consider about get the fuck off yourself.

what is point? of your existence?..

thank you. live forever.

조회수 13회댓글 0개

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